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Pandas Dataframe Algorithms

Pandas Dataframes

Pandas dataframes are obviously not going to scale as well as our Spark and SQL Algorithms, but for 'moderate' sized data these algorithms provide some nice functionality.

Pandas Dataframe Algorithms

Workbench has a growing set of algorithms and data processing tools for Pandas Dataframes. In general these algorithm will take a dataframe as input and give you back a dataframe with additional columns.


Bases: Proximity

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
class FeatureSpaceProximity(Proximity):
    def __init__(self, model: Model, n_neighbors: int = 10) -> None:
        Initialize the FeatureSpaceProximity class.

            model (Model): A Workbench model object.


        # Grab the features and target from the model
        features = model.features()
        target =

        # Grab the feature set for the model
        fs = FeatureSet(model.get_input())

        # If we have a "inference" view, pull the data from that view
        view_name = f"inf_{model.uuid.replace('-', '_')}"
        if view_name in fs.views():
            self.df = fs.view(view_name).pull_dataframe()

        # Otherwise, pull the data from the feature set and run inference
            inf_view = InferenceView.create(model)
            self.df = inf_view.pull_dataframe()

        # Call the parent class constructor
        super().__init__(self.df, id_column=fs.id_column, features=features, target=target, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)

        # Project the data to 2D
        self.df = Projection2D().fit_transform(self.df, features=features)

__init__(model, n_neighbors=10)

Initialize the FeatureSpaceProximity class.


Name Type Description Default
model Model

A Workbench model object.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def __init__(self, model: Model, n_neighbors: int = 10) -> None:
    Initialize the FeatureSpaceProximity class.

        model (Model): A Workbench model object.


    # Grab the features and target from the model
    features = model.features()
    target =

    # Grab the feature set for the model
    fs = FeatureSet(model.get_input())

    # If we have a "inference" view, pull the data from that view
    view_name = f"inf_{model.uuid.replace('-', '_')}"
    if view_name in fs.views():
        self.df = fs.view(view_name).pull_dataframe()

    # Otherwise, pull the data from the feature set and run inference
        inf_view = InferenceView.create(model)
        self.df = inf_view.pull_dataframe()

    # Call the parent class constructor
    super().__init__(self.df, id_column=fs.id_column, features=features, target=target, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)

    # Project the data to 2D
    self.df = Projection2D().fit_transform(self.df, features=features)


Bases: Proximity

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
class FingerprintProximity(Proximity):
    def __init__(
        self, df: pd.DataFrame, fingerprint_column: str, id_column: Union[int, str], n_neighbors: int = 10
    ) -> None:
        Initialize the FingerprintProximity class.

            df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing fingerprints and other features.
            fingerprint_column (str): Name of the column containing fingerprints.
            id_column (Union[int, str]): Name of the column used as an identifier.
            n_neighbors (int): Number of neighbors to compute.
        self.fingerprint_column = fingerprint_column
        super().__init__(df, id_column=id_column, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)

    def _prepare_data(self) -> None:
        Prepare the DataFrame by converting fingerprints into a binary feature matrix.
        # Convert the fingerprint strings to binary arrays"Converting fingerprints to binary feature matrix...")
        fingerprint_bits = self.df[self.fingerprint_column].apply(
            lambda fp: np.array([int(bit) for bit in fp], dtype=np.bool_)
        self.X = np.vstack(fingerprint_bits)

        # Use Jaccard similarity for binary fingerprints"Computing NearestNeighbors with Jaccard metric...")
        self.nn = NearestNeighbors(metric="jaccard", n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors + 1).fit(self.X)

    def get_edge_weight(self, row: pd.Series) -> float:
        Compute edge weight using similarity for fingerprints.
        return row["similarity"]

    def neighbors(
        self, query_id: Union[int, str], similarity: float = None, include_self: bool = False
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Return neighbors of the given query ID, either by fixed neighbors or above a similarity threshold.

            query_id (Union[int, str]): The ID of the query point.
            similarity (float): Optional similarity threshold above which neighbors are to be included.
            include_self (bool): Whether to include the query ID itself in the neighbor results.

            pd.DataFrame: Filtered DataFrame that includes the query ID, its neighbors, and their similarities.
        # Convert similarity to a radius (1 - similarity)
        radius = 1 - similarity if similarity is not None else None
        neighbors_df = super().neighbors(query_id=query_id, radius=radius, include_self=include_self)

        # Convert distances to Tanimoto similarities
        if "distance" in neighbors_df.columns:
            neighbors_df["similarity"] = 1 - neighbors_df["distance"]
            neighbors_df = neighbors_df.drop(columns=["distance"])

        return neighbors_df

    def all_neighbors(self, include_self: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        Compute nearest neighbors for all rows in the dataset.

            include_self (bool): Whether to include self-loops in the results.

            pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame of neighbors and their Tanimoto similarities.
        all_neighbors_df = super().all_neighbors(include_self=include_self)

        # Convert distances to Tanimoto similarities
        if "distance" in all_neighbors_df.columns:
            all_neighbors_df["similarity"] = 1 - all_neighbors_df["distance"]
            all_neighbors_df = all_neighbors_df.drop(columns=["distance"])

        return all_neighbors_df

__init__(df, fingerprint_column, id_column, n_neighbors=10)

Initialize the FingerprintProximity class.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

DataFrame containing fingerprints and other features.

fingerprint_column str

Name of the column containing fingerprints.

id_column Union[int, str]

Name of the column used as an identifier.

n_neighbors int

Number of neighbors to compute.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def __init__(
    self, df: pd.DataFrame, fingerprint_column: str, id_column: Union[int, str], n_neighbors: int = 10
) -> None:
    Initialize the FingerprintProximity class.

        df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing fingerprints and other features.
        fingerprint_column (str): Name of the column containing fingerprints.
        id_column (Union[int, str]): Name of the column used as an identifier.
        n_neighbors (int): Number of neighbors to compute.
    self.fingerprint_column = fingerprint_column
    super().__init__(df, id_column=id_column, n_neighbors=n_neighbors)


Prepare the DataFrame by converting fingerprints into a binary feature matrix.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def _prepare_data(self) -> None:
    Prepare the DataFrame by converting fingerprints into a binary feature matrix.
    # Convert the fingerprint strings to binary arrays"Converting fingerprints to binary feature matrix...")
    fingerprint_bits = self.df[self.fingerprint_column].apply(
        lambda fp: np.array([int(bit) for bit in fp], dtype=np.bool_)
    self.X = np.vstack(fingerprint_bits)

    # Use Jaccard similarity for binary fingerprints"Computing NearestNeighbors with Jaccard metric...")
    self.nn = NearestNeighbors(metric="jaccard", n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors + 1).fit(self.X)


Compute nearest neighbors for all rows in the dataset.


Name Type Description Default
include_self bool

Whether to include self-loops in the results.



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame of neighbors and their Tanimoto similarities.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def all_neighbors(self, include_self: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Compute nearest neighbors for all rows in the dataset.

        include_self (bool): Whether to include self-loops in the results.

        pd.DataFrame: A DataFrame of neighbors and their Tanimoto similarities.
    all_neighbors_df = super().all_neighbors(include_self=include_self)

    # Convert distances to Tanimoto similarities
    if "distance" in all_neighbors_df.columns:
        all_neighbors_df["similarity"] = 1 - all_neighbors_df["distance"]
        all_neighbors_df = all_neighbors_df.drop(columns=["distance"])

    return all_neighbors_df


Compute edge weight using similarity for fingerprints.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def get_edge_weight(self, row: pd.Series) -> float:
    Compute edge weight using similarity for fingerprints.
    return row["similarity"]

neighbors(query_id, similarity=None, include_self=False)

Return neighbors of the given query ID, either by fixed neighbors or above a similarity threshold.


Name Type Description Default
query_id Union[int, str]

The ID of the query point.

similarity float

Optional similarity threshold above which neighbors are to be included.

include_self bool

Whether to include the query ID itself in the neighbor results.



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: Filtered DataFrame that includes the query ID, its neighbors, and their similarities.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def neighbors(
    self, query_id: Union[int, str], similarity: float = None, include_self: bool = False
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Return neighbors of the given query ID, either by fixed neighbors or above a similarity threshold.

        query_id (Union[int, str]): The ID of the query point.
        similarity (float): Optional similarity threshold above which neighbors are to be included.
        include_self (bool): Whether to include the query ID itself in the neighbor results.

        pd.DataFrame: Filtered DataFrame that includes the query ID, its neighbors, and their similarities.
    # Convert similarity to a radius (1 - similarity)
    radius = 1 - similarity if similarity is not None else None
    neighbors_df = super().neighbors(query_id=query_id, radius=radius, include_self=include_self)

    # Convert distances to Tanimoto similarities
    if "distance" in neighbors_df.columns:
        neighbors_df["similarity"] = 1 - neighbors_df["distance"]
        neighbors_df = neighbors_df.drop(columns=["distance"])

    return neighbors_df


Perform Dimensionality Reduction on a DataFrame using TSNE, MDS, PCA, or UMAP.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
class Projection2D:
    """Perform Dimensionality Reduction on a DataFrame using TSNE, MDS, PCA, or UMAP."""

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the Projection2D class."""
        self.log = logging.getLogger("workbench")
        self.projection_model = None

    def fit_transform(self, input_df: pd.DataFrame, features: list = None, projection: str = "UMAP") -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Fit and transform a DataFrame using the selected dimensionality reduction method.

        This method creates a copy of the input DataFrame, processes the specified features
        for normalization and projection, and returns a new DataFrame with added 'x' and 'y' columns
        containing the projected 2D coordinates.

            input_df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing features to project.
            features (list, optional): List of feature column names. If None, numeric columns are auto-selected.
            projection (str, optional): The projection to use ('UMAP', 'TSNE', 'MDS' or 'PCA'). Default 'UMAP'.

            pd.DataFrame: A new DataFrame (a copy of input_df) with added 'x' and 'y' columns.
        # Create a copy of the input DataFrame
        df = input_df.copy()

        # Auto-identify numeric features if none are provided
        if features is None:
            features = [col for col in df.select_dtypes(include="number").columns if not col.endswith("id")]
  "Auto-identified numeric features: {features}")

        if len(features) < 2 or df.empty:
            self.log.critical("At least two numeric features are required, and DataFrame must not be empty.")
            return df

        # Process a copy of the feature data for projection
        X = df[features]
        X = X.apply(lambda col: col.fillna(col.mean()))
        X_scaled = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)

        # Select the projection method (using df for perplexity calculation)
        self.projection_model = self._get_projection_model(projection, df)

        # Apply the projection on the normalized data
        projection_result = self.projection_model.fit_transform(X_scaled)
        df[["x", "y"]] = projection_result

        # Resolve coincident points by adding jitter and return the new DataFrame
        return self.resolve_coincident_points(df)

    def _get_projection_model(self, projection: str, df: pd.DataFrame):
        """Select and return the appropriate projection model.

            projection (str): The projection method ('TSNE', 'MDS', 'PCA', or 'UMAP').
            df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame being transformed (used for computing perplexity).

            A dimensionality reduction model instance.
        if projection == "TSNE":
            perplexity = min(40, len(df) - 1)
  "Projection: TSNE with perplexity {perplexity}")
            return TSNE(perplexity=perplexity)

        if projection == "MDS":
  "Projection: MDS")
            return MDS(n_components=2, random_state=0)

        if projection == "PCA":
  "Projection: PCA")
            return PCA(n_components=2)

        if projection == "UMAP" and UMAP_AVAILABLE:
  "Projection: UMAP")
            return umap.UMAP(n_components=2)

            f"Projection method '{projection}' not recognized or UMAP not available. Falling back to TSNE."
        return TSNE(perplexity=min(40, len(df) - 1))

    def resolve_coincident_points(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Resolve coincident points in a DataFrame by adding jitter.

            df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing x and y projection coordinates.

            pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with resolved coincident points.
        jitter_x = (df["x"].max() - df["x"].min()) * 0.005
        jitter_y = (df["y"].max() - df["y"].min()) * 0.005
        df["x"] += np.random.normal(0, jitter_x, len(df))
        df["y"] += np.random.normal(0, jitter_y, len(df))
        return df


Initialize the Projection2D class.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def __init__(self):
    """Initialize the Projection2D class."""
    self.log = logging.getLogger("workbench")
    self.projection_model = None

_get_projection_model(projection, df)

Select and return the appropriate projection model.


Name Type Description Default
projection str

The projection method ('TSNE', 'MDS', 'PCA', or 'UMAP').

df DataFrame

The DataFrame being transformed (used for computing perplexity).



Type Description

A dimensionality reduction model instance.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def _get_projection_model(self, projection: str, df: pd.DataFrame):
    """Select and return the appropriate projection model.

        projection (str): The projection method ('TSNE', 'MDS', 'PCA', or 'UMAP').
        df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame being transformed (used for computing perplexity).

        A dimensionality reduction model instance.
    if projection == "TSNE":
        perplexity = min(40, len(df) - 1)"Projection: TSNE with perplexity {perplexity}")
        return TSNE(perplexity=perplexity)

    if projection == "MDS":"Projection: MDS")
        return MDS(n_components=2, random_state=0)

    if projection == "PCA":"Projection: PCA")
        return PCA(n_components=2)

    if projection == "UMAP" and UMAP_AVAILABLE:"Projection: UMAP")
        return umap.UMAP(n_components=2)

        f"Projection method '{projection}' not recognized or UMAP not available. Falling back to TSNE."
    return TSNE(perplexity=min(40, len(df) - 1))

fit_transform(input_df, features=None, projection='UMAP')

Fit and transform a DataFrame using the selected dimensionality reduction method.

This method creates a copy of the input DataFrame, processes the specified features for normalization and projection, and returns a new DataFrame with added 'x' and 'y' columns containing the projected 2D coordinates.


Name Type Description Default
input_df DataFrame

The DataFrame containing features to project.

features list

List of feature column names. If None, numeric columns are auto-selected.

projection str

The projection to use ('UMAP', 'TSNE', 'MDS' or 'PCA'). Default 'UMAP'.



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: A new DataFrame (a copy of input_df) with added 'x' and 'y' columns.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def fit_transform(self, input_df: pd.DataFrame, features: list = None, projection: str = "UMAP") -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Fit and transform a DataFrame using the selected dimensionality reduction method.

    This method creates a copy of the input DataFrame, processes the specified features
    for normalization and projection, and returns a new DataFrame with added 'x' and 'y' columns
    containing the projected 2D coordinates.

        input_df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing features to project.
        features (list, optional): List of feature column names. If None, numeric columns are auto-selected.
        projection (str, optional): The projection to use ('UMAP', 'TSNE', 'MDS' or 'PCA'). Default 'UMAP'.

        pd.DataFrame: A new DataFrame (a copy of input_df) with added 'x' and 'y' columns.
    # Create a copy of the input DataFrame
    df = input_df.copy()

    # Auto-identify numeric features if none are provided
    if features is None:
        features = [col for col in df.select_dtypes(include="number").columns if not col.endswith("id")]"Auto-identified numeric features: {features}")

    if len(features) < 2 or df.empty:
        self.log.critical("At least two numeric features are required, and DataFrame must not be empty.")
        return df

    # Process a copy of the feature data for projection
    X = df[features]
    X = X.apply(lambda col: col.fillna(col.mean()))
    X_scaled = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X)

    # Select the projection method (using df for perplexity calculation)
    self.projection_model = self._get_projection_model(projection, df)

    # Apply the projection on the normalized data
    projection_result = self.projection_model.fit_transform(X_scaled)
    df[["x", "y"]] = projection_result

    # Resolve coincident points by adding jitter and return the new DataFrame
    return self.resolve_coincident_points(df)

resolve_coincident_points(df) staticmethod

Resolve coincident points in a DataFrame by adding jitter.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

The DataFrame containing x and y projection coordinates.



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with resolved coincident points.

Source code in src/workbench/algorithms/dataframe/
def resolve_coincident_points(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Resolve coincident points in a DataFrame by adding jitter.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing x and y projection coordinates.

        pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with resolved coincident points.
    jitter_x = (df["x"].max() - df["x"].min()) * 0.005
    jitter_y = (df["y"].max() - df["y"].min()) * 0.005
    df["x"] += np.random.normal(0, jitter_x, len(df))
    df["y"] += np.random.normal(0, jitter_y, len(df))
    return df


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