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Inference View


The Workbench View classes are currently in experimental mode so have fun but expect issues and API changes going forward.

InferenceView Class: A View that does endpoint inference and computes residuals


InferenceView Class: A View that does endpoint inference and computes residuals

Common Usage
# Grab a Model
model = Model("abalone-regression")

# Create an InferenceView
inf_view = InferenceView.create(model)
my_df = inf_view.pull_dataframe(limit=5)

# Query the view
df = inf_view.query(f"SELECT * FROM {inf_view.table} where residuals > 0.5")
Source code in src/workbench/core/views/
class InferenceView:
    """InferenceView Class: A View that does endpoint inference and computes residuals

    Common Usage:
        # Grab a Model
        model = Model("abalone-regression")

        # Create an InferenceView
        inf_view = InferenceView.create(model)
        my_df = inf_view.pull_dataframe(limit=5)

        # Query the view
        df = inf_view.query(f"SELECT * FROM {inf_view.table} where residuals > 0.5")

    def create(
        model: Model,
    ) -> Union[View, None]:
        """Create a View that does endpoint inference and computes residuals

            model (Model): The Model object to use for the target and features

            Union[View, None]: The created View object (or None if failed)
        # Log view creation
        log.important("Creating Inference View...")

        # Pull in data from the FeatureSet
        fs = FeatureSet(model.get_input())
        df = fs.pull_dataframe()

        # Grab the target from the model
        target =

        # Run inference on the data
        end = Endpoint(model.endpoints()[0])
        df = end.inference(df)

        # Determine if the target is a classification or regression target
        if model.model_type == ModelType.REGRESSOR:
            df["residuals"] = df[target] - df["prediction"]
            df["residuals_abs"] = df["residuals"].abs()
        elif model.model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
            class_labels = model.class_labels()
            class_index = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(class_labels)}
            df["residuals"] = df["prediction"].map(class_index) - df[target].map(class_index)
            df["residuals_abs"] = df["residuals"].abs()
            log.warning(f"Model type {model.model_type} has undefined residuals computation")
            df["residuals"] = 0
            df["residuals_abs"] = 0

        # Save the inference results to an inference view
        view_name = f"inf_{model.uuid.replace('-', '_')}"
        return PandasToView.create(view_name, fs, df=df, id_column=fs.id_column)

create(model) classmethod

Create a View that does endpoint inference and computes residuals


Name Type Description Default
model Model

The Model object to use for the target and features



Type Description
Union[View, None]

Union[View, None]: The created View object (or None if failed)

Source code in src/workbench/core/views/
def create(
    model: Model,
) -> Union[View, None]:
    """Create a View that does endpoint inference and computes residuals

        model (Model): The Model object to use for the target and features

        Union[View, None]: The created View object (or None if failed)
    # Log view creation
    log.important("Creating Inference View...")

    # Pull in data from the FeatureSet
    fs = FeatureSet(model.get_input())
    df = fs.pull_dataframe()

    # Grab the target from the model
    target =

    # Run inference on the data
    end = Endpoint(model.endpoints()[0])
    df = end.inference(df)

    # Determine if the target is a classification or regression target
    if model.model_type == ModelType.REGRESSOR:
        df["residuals"] = df[target] - df["prediction"]
        df["residuals_abs"] = df["residuals"].abs()
    elif model.model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
        class_labels = model.class_labels()
        class_index = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(class_labels)}
        df["residuals"] = df["prediction"].map(class_index) - df[target].map(class_index)
        df["residuals_abs"] = df["residuals"].abs()
        log.warning(f"Model type {model.model_type} has undefined residuals computation")
        df["residuals"] = 0
        df["residuals_abs"] = 0

    # Save the inference results to an inference view
    view_name = f"inf_{model.uuid.replace('-', '_')}"
    return PandasToView.create(view_name, fs, df=df, id_column=fs.id_column)


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