Pandas Transforms
API Classes
The API Classes will often provide helpful methods that give you a DataFrame (data_source.query() for instance), so always check out the API Classes first.
These Transforms will give you the ultimate in customization and flexibility when creating AWS Machine Learning Pipelines. Grab a Pandas DataFrame from a DataSource or FeatureSet process in whatever way for your use case and simply create another Workbench DataSource or FeatureSet from the resulting DataFrame.
Lots of Options:
Not for Large Data
Pandas Transforms can't handle large datasets (> 4 GigaBytes). For doing transforma on large data see our Heavy Transforms
- S3 --> DF --> DataSource
- DataSource --> DF --> DataSource
- DataSoruce --> DF --> FeatureSet
- Get Creative!
Welcome to the Workbench Pandas Transform Classes
These classes provide low-level APIs for using Pandas DataFrames
- DataToPandas: Pull a dataframe from a Workbench DataSource
- FeaturesToPandas: Pull a dataframe from a Workbench FeatureSet
- PandasToData: Create a Workbench DataSource using a Pandas DataFrame as the source
- PandasToFeatures: Create a Workbench FeatureSet using a Pandas DataFrame as the source
- PandasToFeaturesChunked: Create a Workbench FeatureSet using a Chunked/Streaming Pandas DataFrame as the source
Bases: Transform
DataToPandas: Class to transform a Data Source into a Pandas DataFrame
Common Usage
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
DataToPandas Initialization
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Post-Transform: Any checks on the Pandas DataFrame that need to be done
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
transform_impl(query=None, max_rows=100000)
Convert the DataSource into a Pandas DataFrame Args: query(str): The query to run against the DataSource (default: None) max_rows(int): The maximum number of rows to return (default: 100000)
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Bases: Transform
FeaturesToPandas: Class to transform a FeatureSet into a Pandas DataFrame
Common Usage
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
FeaturesToPandas Initialization
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Post-Transform: Any checks on the Pandas DataFrame that need to be done
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Convert the FeatureSet into a Pandas DataFrame
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Bases: Transform
PandasToData: Class to publish a Pandas DataFrame as a DataSource
Common Usage
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
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__init__(output_uuid, output_format='parquet', catalog_db='workbench')
PandasToData Initialization Args: output_uuid (str): The UUID of the DataSource to create output_format (str): The file format to store the S3 object data in (default: "parquet") catalog_db (str): The AWS Data Catalog Database to use (default: "workbench")
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Convert datetime columns to ISO-8601 string
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Try to automatically convert object columns to datetime or string columns
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Try to automatically convert object columns to string columns
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Post-Transform: Calling onboard() fnr the DataSource
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Convert the Pandas DataFrame into Parquet Format in the Workbench S3 Bucket, and store the information about the data to the AWS Data Catalog workbench database
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Overwrite the existing data in the Workbench S3 Bucket (default: True) |
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 |
Bases: Transform
PandasToFeatures: Class to publish a Pandas DataFrame into a FeatureSet
Common Usage
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
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PandasToFeatures Initialization
Name | Type | Description | Default |
The UUID of the FeatureSet to create |
required |
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Internal: AWS Feature Store doesn't know how to store object dtypes, so convert to String
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Internal: AWS Feature Store requires an event_time field for all data stored
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Internal: AWS Feature Store requires an Id field
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Convert the types of the DataFrame to the correct types for the Feature Store
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Convert column to Categorical type
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Create a Feature Group, load our Feature Definitions, and wait for it to be ready
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Used for Streaming: Convert object and string types to Categorical
This method is used for streaming/chunking. You can set the categorical_dtypes attribute to a dictionary of column names and their respective categorical types.
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
one_hot_encode(df, one_hot_columns)
One Hot Encoding for Categorical Columns with additional column name management
Name | Type | Description | Default |
The DataFrame to process |
required |
The list of columns to one-hot encode |
required |
Type | Description |
pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with one-hot encoded columns |
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Post-Transform: Populating Offline Storage and onboard()
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Pre-Transform: Delete any existing FeatureSet and Create the Feature Group
Prep the DataFrame for Feature Store Creation
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
process_column_name(column, shorten=False)
Call various methods to make sure the column is ready for Feature Store Args: column (str): The column name to process shorten (bool): Should we shorten the column name? (default: False)
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
set_input(input_df, id_column=None, event_time_column=None, one_hot_columns=None)
Set the Input DataFrame for this Transform
Name | Type | Description | Default |
The input DataFrame. |
required |
The ID column (if not specified, an 'auto_id' will be generated). |
The name of the event time column (default: None). |
The list of columns to one-hot encode (default: None). |
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Transform Implementation: Ingest the data into the Feature Group
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Wait for AWS Feature Group to fully populate the Offline Storage
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Bases: Transform
PandasToFeaturesChunked: Class to manage a bunch of chunked Pandas DataFrames into a FeatureSet
Common Usage
to_features = PandasToFeaturesChunked(output_uuid, id_column="id"/None, event_time_column="date"/None)
to_features.set_output_tags(["abalone", "public", "whatever"])
cat_column_info = {"sex": ["M", "F", "I"]}
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
__init__(output_uuid, id_column=None, event_time_column=None)
PandasToFeaturesChunked Initialization
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Add a Chunk of Data to the FeatureSet
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Pre-Transform: Create the Feature Group with Chunked Data
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Set the Categorical Columns Args: cat_column_info (dict[list[str]]): Dictionary of categorical columns and their possible values
Source code in src/workbench/core/transforms/pandas_transforms/
Required implementation of the Transform interface