class EndpointCore(Artifact):
"""EndpointCore: Workbench EndpointCore Class
Common Usage:
my_endpoint = EndpointCore(endpoint_uuid)
prediction_df = my_endpoint.predict(test_df)
metrics = my_endpoint.regression_metrics(target_column, prediction_df)
for metric, value in metrics.items():
print(f"{metric}: {value:0.3f}")
def __init__(self, endpoint_uuid, **kwargs):
"""EndpointCore Initialization
endpoint_uuid (str): Name of Endpoint in Workbench
# Make sure the endpoint_uuid is a valid name
self.is_name_valid(endpoint_uuid, delimiter="-", lower_case=False)
# Call SuperClass Initialization
super().__init__(endpoint_uuid, **kwargs)
# Grab an Cloud Metadata object and pull information for Endpoints
self.endpoint_name = endpoint_uuid
self.endpoint_meta = self.meta.endpoint(self.endpoint_name)
# Sanity check that we found the endpoint
if self.endpoint_meta is None:
self.log.important(f"Could not find endpoint {self.uuid} within current visibility scope")
# Sanity check the Endpoint state
if self.endpoint_meta["EndpointStatus"] == "Failed":
self.log.critical(f"Endpoint {self.uuid} is in a failed state")
reason = self.endpoint_meta["FailureReason"]
self.log.critical(f"Failure Reason: {reason}")
self.log.critical("Please delete this endpoint and re-deploy...")
# Set the Inference, Capture, and Monitoring S3 Paths
self.endpoint_inference_path = self.endpoints_s3_path + "/inference/" + self.uuid
self.endpoint_data_capture_path = self.endpoints_s3_path + "/data_capture/" + self.uuid
self.endpoint_monitoring_path = self.endpoints_s3_path + "/monitoring/" + self.uuid
# Set the Model Name
self.model_name = self.get_input()
# This is for endpoint error handling later
self.endpoint_return_columns = None
# We temporary cache the endpoint metrics
self.temp_storage = Cache(prefix="temp_storage", expire=300) # 5 minutes
# Call SuperClass Post Initialization
# All done"EndpointCore Initialized: {self.endpoint_name}")
def refresh_meta(self):
"""Refresh the Artifact's metadata"""
self.endpoint_meta = self.meta.endpoint(self.endpoint_name)
def exists(self) -> bool:
"""Does the feature_set_name exist in the AWS Metadata?"""
if self.endpoint_meta is None:
self.log.debug(f"Endpoint {self.endpoint_name} not found in AWS Metadata")
return False
return True
def health_check(self) -> list[str]:
"""Perform a health check on this model
list[str]: List of health issues
if not self.ready():
return ["needs_onboard"]
# Call the base class health check
health_issues = super().health_check()
# Does this endpoint have a config?
# Note: This is not an authoritative check, so improve later
if self.endpoint_meta.get("ProductionVariants") is None:
# We're going to check for 5xx errors and no activity
endpoint_metrics = self.endpoint_metrics()
# Check if we have metrics
if endpoint_metrics is None:
return health_issues
# Check for 5xx errors
num_errors = endpoint_metrics["Invocation5XXErrors"].sum()
if num_errors > 5:
elif num_errors > 0:
# Check for Endpoint activity
num_invocations = endpoint_metrics["Invocations"].sum()
if num_invocations == 0:
return health_issues
def is_serverless(self) -> bool:
"""Check if the current endpoint is serverless.
bool: True if the endpoint is serverless, False otherwise.
return "Serverless" in self.endpoint_meta["InstanceType"]
def add_data_capture(self):
"""Add data capture to the endpoint"""
def get_monitor(self):
"""Get the MonitorCore class for this endpoint"""
from workbench.core.artifacts.monitor_core import MonitorCore
return MonitorCore(self.endpoint_name)
def size(self) -> float:
"""Return the size of this data in MegaBytes"""
return 0.0
def aws_meta(self) -> dict:
"""Get ALL the AWS metadata for this artifact"""
return self.endpoint_meta
def arn(self) -> str:
"""AWS ARN (Amazon Resource Name) for this artifact"""
return self.endpoint_meta["EndpointArn"]
def aws_url(self):
"""The AWS URL for looking at/querying this data source"""
return f"https://{self.aws_region}"
def created(self) -> datetime:
"""Return the datetime when this artifact was created"""
return self.endpoint_meta["CreationTime"]
def modified(self) -> datetime:
"""Return the datetime when this artifact was last modified"""
return self.endpoint_meta["LastModifiedTime"]
def hash(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Return the hash for the internal model used by this endpoint
Optional[str]: The hash for the internal model used by this endpoint
from workbench.utils.endpoint_utils import get_model_data_url # Avoid circular import
model_url = get_model_data_url(self.endpoint_config_name(), self.boto3_session)
return compute_s3_object_hash(model_url, self.boto3_session)
def endpoint_metrics(self) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, None]:
"""Return the metrics for this endpoint
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with the metrics for this endpoint (or None if no metrics)
# Do we have it cached?
metrics_key = f"endpoint:{self.uuid}:endpoint_metrics"
endpoint_metrics = self.temp_storage.get(metrics_key)
if endpoint_metrics is not None:
return endpoint_metrics
# We don't have it cached so let's get it from CloudWatch
if "ProductionVariants" not in self.endpoint_meta:
return None
self.log.important("Updating endpoint metrics...")
variant = self.endpoint_meta["ProductionVariants"][0]["VariantName"]
endpoint_metrics = EndpointMetrics().get_metrics(self.uuid, variant=variant)
self.temp_storage.set(metrics_key, endpoint_metrics)
return endpoint_metrics
def details(self, recompute: bool = False) -> dict:
"""Additional Details about this Endpoint
recompute (bool): Recompute the details (default: False)
dict(dict): A dictionary of details about this Endpoint
# Fill in all the details about this Endpoint
details = self.summary()
# Get details from our AWS Metadata
details["status"] = self.endpoint_meta["EndpointStatus"]
details["instance"] = self.endpoint_meta["InstanceType"]
details["instance_count"] = self.endpoint_meta["ProductionVariants"][0]["CurrentInstanceCount"] or "-"
except KeyError:
details["instance_count"] = "-"
if "ProductionVariants" in self.endpoint_meta:
details["variant"] = self.endpoint_meta["ProductionVariants"][0]["VariantName"]
details["variant"] = "-"
# Add endpoint metrics from CloudWatch
details["endpoint_metrics"] = self.endpoint_metrics()
# Return the details
return details
def onboard(self, interactive: bool = False) -> bool:
"""This is a BLOCKING method that will onboard the Endpoint (make it ready)
interactive (bool, optional): If True, will prompt the user for information. (default: False)
bool: True if the Endpoint is successfully onboarded, False otherwise
# Make sure our input is defined
if self.get_input() == "unknown":
if interactive:
input_model = input("Input Model?: ")
self.log.critical("Input Model is not defined!")
return False
input_model = self.get_input()
# Now that we have the details, let's onboard the Endpoint with args
return self.onboard_with_args(input_model)
def onboard_with_args(self, input_model: str) -> bool:
"""Onboard the Endpoint with the given arguments
input_model (str): The input model for this endpoint
bool: True if the Endpoint is successfully onboarded, False otherwise
# Set the status to onboarding
self.upsert_workbench_meta({"workbench_input": input_model})
self.model_name = input_model
# Remove the needs_onboard tag
# Run a health check and refresh the meta
time.sleep(2) # Give the AWS Metadata a chance to update
return True
def auto_inference(self, capture: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Run inference on the endpoint using FeatureSet data
capture (bool, optional): Capture the inference results and metrics (default=False)
# Sanity Check that we have a model
model = ModelCore(self.get_input())
if not model.exists():
self.log.error("No model found for this endpoint. Returning empty DataFrame.")
return pd.DataFrame()
# Now get the FeatureSet and make sure it exists
fs = FeatureSetCore(model.get_input())
if not fs.exists():
self.log.error("No FeatureSet found for this endpoint. Returning empty DataFrame.")
return pd.DataFrame()
# Grab the evaluation data from the FeatureSet
table = fs.view("training").table
eval_df = fs.query(f'SELECT * FROM "{table}" where training = FALSE')
capture_uuid = "auto_inference" if capture else None
return self.inference(eval_df, capture_uuid, id_column=fs.id_column)
def inference(self, eval_df: pd.DataFrame, capture_uuid: str = None, id_column: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Run inference and compute performance metrics with optional capture
eval_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame to run predictions on (must have superset of features)
capture_uuid (str, optional): UUID of the inference capture (default=None)
id_column (str, optional): Name of the ID column (default=None)
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with the inference results
If capture=True inference/performance metrics are written to S3 Endpoint Inference Folder
# Run predictions on the evaluation data
prediction_df = self._predict(eval_df)
if prediction_df.empty:
self.log.warning("No predictions were made. Returning empty DataFrame.")
return prediction_df
# Get the target column
model = ModelCore(self.model_name)
target_column =
# Sanity Check that the target column is present
if target_column and (target_column not in prediction_df.columns):
self.log.important(f"Target Column {target_column} not found in prediction_df!")
self.log.important("In order to compute metrics, the target column must be present!")
return prediction_df
# Compute the standard performance metrics for this model
model_type = model.model_type
if model_type in [ModelType.REGRESSOR, ModelType.QUANTILE_REGRESSOR]:
prediction_df = self.residuals(target_column, prediction_df)
metrics = self.regression_metrics(target_column, prediction_df)
elif model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
metrics = self.classification_metrics(target_column, prediction_df)
# For other model types, we don't compute metrics
self.log.important(f"Model Type: {model_type} doesn't have metrics...")
metrics = pd.DataFrame()
# Print out the metrics
if not metrics.empty:
print(f"Performance Metrics for {self.model_name} on {self.uuid}")
# Capture the inference results and metrics
if capture_uuid is not None:
description = capture_uuid.replace("_", " ").title()
capture_uuid, prediction_df, target_column, model_type, metrics, description, id_column
# Return the prediction DataFrame
return prediction_df
def fast_inference(self, eval_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Run inference on the Endpoint using the provided DataFrame
eval_df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to run predictions on
pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions
There's no sanity checks or error handling... just FAST Inference!
return fast_inference(self.uuid, eval_df, self.sm_session)
def _predict(self, eval_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Internal: Run prediction on the given observations in the given DataFrame
eval_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame to run predictions on (must have superset of features)
pd.DataFrame: Return the DataFrame with additional columns, prediction and any _proba columns
# Sanity check: Does the DataFrame have 0 rows?
if eval_df.empty:
self.log.warning("Evaluation DataFrame has 0 rows. No predictions to run.")
return pd.DataFrame(columns=eval_df.columns) # Return empty DataFrame with same structure
# Sanity check: Does the Model have Features?
features = ModelCore(self.model_name).features()
if not features:
self.log.warning("Model does not have features defined, using all columns in the DataFrame")
# Sanity check: Does the DataFrame have the required features?
df_columns_lower = set(col.lower() for col in eval_df.columns)
features_lower = set(feature.lower() for feature in features)
# Check if the features are a subset of the DataFrame columns (case-insensitive)
if not features_lower.issubset(df_columns_lower):
missing_features = features_lower - df_columns_lower
raise ValueError(f"DataFrame does not contain required features: {missing_features}")
# Create our Endpoint Predictor Class
predictor = Predictor(
# Now split up the dataframe into 500 row chunks, send those chunks to our
# endpoint (with error handling) and stitch all the chunks back together
df_list = []
total_rows = len(eval_df)
for index in range(0, len(eval_df), 500):"Processing {index}:{min(index+500, total_rows)} out of {total_rows} rows...")
# Compute partial DataFrames, add them to a list, and concatenate at the end
partial_df = self._endpoint_error_handling(predictor, eval_df[index : index + 500])
# Concatenate the dataframes
combined_df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True)
# Some endpoints will put in "N/A" values (for CSV serialization)
# We need to convert these to NaN and the run the conversions below
# Report on the number of N/A values in each column in the DataFrame
# For any cound above 0 list the column name and the number of N/A values
na_counts = combined_df.isin(["N/A"]).sum()
for column, count in na_counts.items():
if count > 0:
self.log.warning(f"{column} has {count} N/A values, converting to NaN")
pd.set_option("future.no_silent_downcasting", True)
combined_df = combined_df.replace("N/A", float("nan"))
# Convert data to numeric
# Note: Since we're using CSV serializers numeric columns often get changed to generic 'object' types
# Hard Conversion
# Note: We explicitly catch exceptions for columns that cannot be converted to numeric
converted_df = combined_df.copy()
for column in combined_df.columns:
converted_df[column] = pd.to_numeric(combined_df[column])
except ValueError:
# If a ValueError is raised, the column cannot be converted to numeric, so we keep it as is
except TypeError:
# This typically means a duplicated column name, so confirm duplicate (more than 1) and log it
column_count = (converted_df.columns == column).sum()
self.log.critical(f"{column} occurs {column_count} times in the DataFrame.")
# Soft Conversion
# Convert columns to the best possible dtype that supports the pd.NA missing value.
converted_df = converted_df.convert_dtypes()
# Convert pd.NA placeholders to pd.NA
# Note: CSV serialization converts pd.NA to blank strings, so we have to put in placeholders
converted_df.replace("__NA__", pd.NA, inplace=True)
# Return the Dataframe
return converted_df
def _endpoint_error_handling(self, predictor, feature_df):
"""Internal: Handles errors, retries, and binary search for problematic rows."""
# Sanity check: Does the DataFrame have 0 rows?
if feature_df.empty:
self.log.warning("DataFrame has 0 rows. No predictions to run.")
return pd.DataFrame(columns=feature_df.columns)
# Convert DataFrame into a CSV buffer
csv_buffer = StringIO()
feature_df.to_csv(csv_buffer, index=False)
# Send CSV buffer to the predictor and process results
results = predictor.predict(csv_buffer.getvalue())
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results[1:], columns=results[0])
self.endpoint_return_columns = results_df.columns.tolist()
return results_df
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err:
error_code = err.response["Error"]["Code"]
if error_code == "ModelNotReadyException":
self.log.error(f"Error {error_code}: {err.response.get('Message', 'No message')}")
self.log.error("Model not ready. Sleeping and retrying...")
return self._endpoint_error_handling(predictor, feature_df)
elif error_code == "ModelError":
self.log.warning("Model error. Bisecting the DataFrame and retrying...")
# Base case: If there is only one row, we can't binary search further
if len(feature_df) == 1:
if not self.endpoint_return_columns:
# Fill the row with NaNs for endpoint_return_columns
self.log.warning(f"Endpoint Inference failed on :{feature_df}")
# return pd.DataFrame(columns=feature_df.columns) # Empty DataFrame with same structure
return self._fill_with_nans(feature_df)
# Binary search to find the problematic row(s)
mid_point = len(feature_df) // 2"Bisect DataFrame: 0 -> {mid_point} and {mid_point} -> {len(feature_df)}")
first_half = self._endpoint_error_handling(predictor, feature_df.iloc[:mid_point])
second_half = self._endpoint_error_handling(predictor, feature_df.iloc[mid_point:])
return pd.concat([first_half, second_half], ignore_index=True)
# Unknown ClientError, raise the exception
self.log.critical(f"Unexpected ClientError: {err}")
except Exception as err:
self.log.critical(f"Unexpected general error: {err}")
def _fill_with_nans(self, feature_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Internal: Fill a single-row DataFrame with NaNs for inference columns, keeping original feature data."""
# Create a single-row DataFrame with NaNs, ensuring dtype=object to prevent type downcasting
one_row_df_with_nans = pd.DataFrame({col: [np.NaN] for col in self.endpoint_return_columns}, dtype=object)
# Check if feature_df is not empty and has at least one row
if not feature_df.empty:
# Copy values from the input DataFrame for overlapping columns
for column in feature_df.columns:
# Use .iloc[0] to access the first row by position, regardless of the index[0, column] = feature_df.iloc[0][column]
return one_row_df_with_nans
def _capture_inference_results(
capture_uuid: str,
pred_results_df: pd.DataFrame,
target_column: str,
model_type: ModelType,
metrics: pd.DataFrame,
description: str,
id_column: str = None,
"""Internal: Capture the inference results and metrics to S3
capture_uuid (str): UUID of the inference capture
pred_results_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the prediction results
target_column (str): Name of the target column
model_type (ModelType): Type of the model (e.g. REGRESSOR, CLASSIFIER)
metrics (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the performance metrics
description (str): Description of the inference results
id_column (str, optional): Name of the ID column (default=None)
# Compute a dataframe hash (just use the last 8)
data_hash = joblib.hash(pred_results_df)[:8]
# Metadata for the model inference
inference_meta = {
"name": capture_uuid,
"data_hash": data_hash,
"num_rows": len(pred_results_df),
"description": description,
# Create the S3 Path for the Inference Capture
inference_capture_path = f"{self.endpoint_inference_path}/{capture_uuid}"
# Write the metadata dictionary and metrics to our S3 Model Inference Folder
)"Writing metrics to {inference_capture_path}/inference_metrics.csv")
wr.s3.to_csv(metrics, f"{inference_capture_path}/inference_metrics.csv", index=False)
# Grab the target column, prediction column, any _proba columns, and the ID column (if present)
prediction_col = "prediction" if "prediction" in pred_results_df.columns else "predictions"
output_columns = [target_column, prediction_col]
# Add any _proba columns to the output columns
output_columns += [col for col in pred_results_df.columns if col.endswith("_proba")]
# Add any quantile columns to the output columns
output_columns += [col for col in pred_results_df.columns if col.startswith("q_") or col.startswith("qr_")]
# Add the ID column
if id_column and id_column in pred_results_df.columns:
# Write the predictions to our S3 Model Inference Folder"Writing predictions to {inference_capture_path}/inference_predictions.csv")
subset_df = pred_results_df[output_columns]
wr.s3.to_csv(subset_df, f"{inference_capture_path}/inference_predictions.csv", index=False)
# CLASSIFIER: Write the confusion matrix to our S3 Model Inference Folder
if model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
conf_mtx = self.generate_confusion_matrix(target_column, pred_results_df)"Writing confusion matrix to {inference_capture_path}/inference_cm.csv")
# Note: Unlike other dataframes here, we want to write the index (labels) to the CSV
wr.s3.to_csv(conf_mtx, f"{inference_capture_path}/inference_cm.csv", index=True)
# Generate SHAP values for our Prediction Dataframe
generate_shap_values(self.endpoint_name, model_type.value, pred_results_df, inference_capture_path)
# Now recompute the details for our Model
self.log.important(f"Recomputing Details for {self.model_name} to show latest Inference Results...")
model = ModelCore(self.model_name)
# Recompute the details so that inference model metrics are updated
self.log.important(f"Recomputing Details for {self.uuid} to show latest Inference Results...")
def regression_metrics(self, target_column: str, prediction_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Compute the performance metrics for this Endpoint
target_column (str): Name of the target column
prediction_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the prediction results
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with the performance metrics
# Sanity Check the prediction DataFrame
if prediction_df.empty:
self.log.warning("No predictions were made. Returning empty DataFrame.")
return pd.DataFrame()
# Compute the metrics
y_true = prediction_df[target_column]
prediction_col = "prediction" if "prediction" in prediction_df.columns else "predictions"
y_pred = prediction_df[prediction_col]
mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred))
r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred)
# Mean Absolute Percentage Error
mape = np.mean(np.where(y_true != 0, np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true), np.abs(y_true - y_pred))) * 100
# Median Absolute Error
medae = median_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)
# Organize and return the metrics
metrics = {
"MAE": round(mae, 3),
"RMSE": round(rmse, 3),
"R2": round(r2, 3),
"MAPE": round(mape, 3),
"MedAE": round(medae, 3),
"NumRows": len(prediction_df),
return pd.DataFrame.from_records([metrics])
def residuals(self, target_column: str, prediction_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Add the residuals to the prediction DataFrame
target_column (str): Name of the target column
prediction_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the prediction results
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with two new columns called 'residuals' and 'residuals_abs'
# Compute the residuals
y_true = prediction_df[target_column]
prediction_col = "prediction" if "prediction" in prediction_df.columns else "predictions"
y_pred = prediction_df[prediction_col]
# Check for classification scenario
if not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(y_true) or not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(y_pred):
self.log.warning("Target and Prediction columns are not numeric. Computing 'diffs'...")
prediction_df["residuals"] = (y_true != y_pred).astype(int)
prediction_df["residuals_abs"] = prediction_df["residuals"]
# Compute numeric residuals for regression
prediction_df["residuals"] = y_true - y_pred
prediction_df["residuals_abs"] = np.abs(prediction_df["residuals"])
return prediction_df
def validate_proba_columns(prediction_df: pd.DataFrame, class_labels: list, guessing: bool = False):
"""Ensure probability columns are correctly aligned with class labels
prediction_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the prediction results
class_labels (list): List of class labels
guessing (bool, optional): Whether we're guessing the class labels. Defaults to False.
proba_columns = [col.replace("_proba", "") for col in prediction_df.columns if col.endswith("_proba")]
if sorted(class_labels) != sorted(proba_columns):
if guessing:
raise ValueError(f"_proba columns {proba_columns} != GUESSED class_labels {class_labels}!")
raise ValueError(f"_proba columns {proba_columns} != class_labels {class_labels}!")
def classification_metrics(self, target_column: str, prediction_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Compute the performance metrics for this Endpoint
target_column (str): Name of the target column
prediction_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the prediction results
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with the performance metrics
# Get the class labels from the model
class_labels = ModelCore(self.model_name).class_labels()
if class_labels is None:
"Class labels not found in the model. Guessing class labels from the prediction DataFrame."
class_labels = prediction_df[target_column].unique().tolist()
self.validate_proba_columns(prediction_df, class_labels, guessing=True)
self.validate_proba_columns(prediction_df, class_labels)
# Calculate precision, recall, fscore, and support, handling zero division
prediction_col = "prediction" if "prediction" in prediction_df.columns else "predictions"
scores = precision_recall_fscore_support(
# Identify the probability columns and keep them as a Pandas DataFrame
proba_columns = [f"{label}_proba" for label in class_labels]
y_score = prediction_df[proba_columns]
# One-hot encode the true labels using all class labels (fit with class_labels)
encoder = OneHotEncoder(categories=[class_labels], sparse_output=False)
y_true = encoder.fit_transform(prediction_df[[target_column]])
# Calculate ROC AUC per label and handle exceptions for missing classes
roc_auc_per_label = []
for i, label in enumerate(class_labels):
roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_true[:, i], y_score.iloc[:, i])
except ValueError as e:
self.log.warning(f"ROC AUC calculation failed for label {label}.")
roc_auc = 0.0
# Put the scores into a DataFrame
score_df = pd.DataFrame(
target_column: class_labels,
"precision": scores[0],
"recall": scores[1],
"fscore": scores[2],
"roc_auc": roc_auc_per_label,
"support": scores[3],
# Sort the target labels
score_df = score_df.sort_values(by=[target_column], ascending=True)
return score_df
def generate_confusion_matrix(self, target_column: str, prediction_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Compute the confusion matrix for this Endpoint
target_column (str): Name of the target column
prediction_df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with the prediction results
pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with the confusion matrix
y_true = prediction_df[target_column]
prediction_col = "prediction" if "prediction" in prediction_df.columns else "predictions"
y_pred = prediction_df[prediction_col]
# Check if our model has class labels, if not we'll use the unique labels in the prediction
class_labels = ModelCore(self.model_name).class_labels()
if class_labels is None:
class_labels = sorted(list(set(y_true) | set(y_pred)))
# Compute the confusion matrix (sklearn confusion_matrix)
conf_mtx = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=class_labels)
# Create a DataFrame
conf_mtx_df = pd.DataFrame(conf_mtx, index=class_labels, columns=class_labels) = "labels"
# Check if our model has class labels. If so make the index and columns ordered
model_class_labels = ModelCore(self.model_name).class_labels()
if model_class_labels:
self.log.important("Reordering the confusion matrix based on model class labels...")
conf_mtx_df.index = pd.Categorical(conf_mtx_df.index, categories=model_class_labels, ordered=True)
conf_mtx_df.columns = pd.Categorical(conf_mtx_df.columns, categories=model_class_labels, ordered=True)
conf_mtx_df = conf_mtx_df.sort_index().sort_index(axis=1)
return conf_mtx_df
def endpoint_config_name(self) -> str:
# Grab the Endpoint Config Name from the AWS
details = self.sm_client.describe_endpoint(EndpointName=self.endpoint_name)
return details["EndpointConfigName"]
def set_input(self, input: str, force=False):
"""Override: Set the input data for this artifact
input (str): Name of input for this artifact
force (bool, optional): Force the input to be set. Defaults to False.
We're going to not allow this to be used for Models
if not force:
self.log.warning(f"Endpoint {self.uuid}: Does not allow manual override of the input!")
# Okay we're going to allow this to be set
self.log.important(f"{self.uuid}: Setting input to {input}...")
self.log.important("Be careful with this! It breaks automatic provenance of the artifact!")
self.upsert_workbench_meta({"workbench_input": input})
def delete(self):
""" "Delete an existing Endpoint: Underlying Models, Configuration, and Endpoint"""
if not self.exists():
self.log.warning(f"Trying to delete an Model that doesn't exist: {self.uuid}")
# Call the Class Method to delete the FeatureSet
def managed_delete(cls, endpoint_name: str):
"""Delete the Endpoint and associated resources if it exists"""
# Check if the endpoint exists
endpoint_info = cls.sm_client.describe_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint_name)
except ClientError as e:
if e.response["Error"]["Code"] in ["ValidationException", "ResourceNotFound"]:"Endpoint {endpoint_name} not found!")
raise # Re-raise unexpected errors
# Delete underlying models (Endpoints store/use models internally)
# Get Endpoint Config Name and delete if exists
endpoint_config_name = endpoint_info["EndpointConfigName"]
try:"Deleting Endpoint Config {endpoint_config_name}...")
except ClientError:"Endpoint Config {endpoint_config_name} not found...")
# Delete any monitoring schedules associated with the endpoint
monitoring_schedules = cls.sm_client.list_monitoring_schedules(EndpointName=endpoint_name)[
for schedule in monitoring_schedules:"Deleting Monitoring Schedule {schedule['MonitoringScheduleName']}...")
# Delete related S3 artifacts (inference, data capture, monitoring)
endpoint_inference_path = cls.endpoints_s3_path + "/inference/" + endpoint_name
endpoint_data_capture_path = cls.endpoints_s3_path + "/data_capture/" + endpoint_name
endpoint_monitoring_path = cls.endpoints_s3_path + "/monitoring/" + endpoint_name
for s3_path in [endpoint_inference_path, endpoint_data_capture_path, endpoint_monitoring_path]:
s3_path = f"{s3_path.rstrip('/')}/"
objects = wr.s3.list_objects(s3_path, boto3_session=cls.boto3_session)
if objects:"Deleting S3 Objects at {s3_path}...")
wr.s3.delete_objects(objects, boto3_session=cls.boto3_session)
# Delete any dataframes that were stored in the Dataframe Cache"Deleting Dataframe Cache...")
# Delete the endpoint
time.sleep(2) # Allow AWS to catch up
try:"Deleting Endpoint {endpoint_name}...")
except ClientError as e:
cls.log.error("Error deleting endpoint.")
raise e
time.sleep(5) # Final sleep for AWS to fully register deletions
def delete_endpoint_models(cls, endpoint_name: str):
"""Delete the underlying Model for an Endpoint
endpoint_name (str): The name of the endpoint to delete
# Grab the Endpoint Config Name from AWS
endpoint_config_name = cls.sm_client.describe_endpoint(EndpointName=endpoint_name)["EndpointConfigName"]
# Retrieve the Model Names from the Endpoint Config
endpoint_config = cls.sm_client.describe_endpoint_config(EndpointConfigName=endpoint_config_name)
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError:"Endpoint Config {endpoint_config_name} doesn't exist...")
model_names = [variant["ModelName"] for variant in endpoint_config["ProductionVariants"]]
for model_name in model_names:"Deleting Internal Model {model_name}...")
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as error:
error_code = error.response["Error"]["Code"]
error_message = error.response["Error"]["Message"]
if error_code == "ResourceInUse":
cls.log.warning(f"Model {model_name} is still in use...")
cls.log.warning(f"Error: {error_code} - {error_message}")