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Molecular Descriptors

In this Blog we'll look at the popular AqSol compound solubility dataset, compute Molecular Descriptors (RDKit and Mordred) and take a deep dive on why NaNs, INFs, and parse errors are generated on about 9% of the compounds.


AqSolDB: A curated reference set of aqueous solubility, created by the Autonomous Energy Materials Discovery [AMD] research group, consists of aqueous solubility values of 9,982 unique compounds curated from 9 different publicly available aqueous solubility datasets.

Download from Harvard DataVerse:

Python Packages

  • RDKIT: Open source toolkit for cheminformatics
  • Mordred Community: Community maintained version of the mordred molecular descriptor calculator.

Canonicalization and Tautomerization

We have another blog on Canonicalization and Tautomerization which covers the importance of getting your compounds into a standardized ...

df = DataSource("aqsol_data").pull_dataframe()
mol_df = compute_molecular_descriptors(df)

INFO Computing Molecular Descriptors...
INFO Computing RDKit Descriptors...
INFO Found 2 INF/-INF values. Replacing them with NaN.
INFO INF/-INF value 'inf' found in column 'MaxAbsPartialCharge' at index 3047.
INFO INF/-INF value 'inf' found in column 'MaxPartialCharge' at index 3047.

INFO Imputing missing values using 'median' strategy.
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_MRLOW replacing 884 values with median(0.05)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_LOGPHI replacing 884 values with median(2.20)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_MWLOW replacing 884 values with median(10.14)
WARNING Imputing MaxAbsPartialCharge replacing 102 values with median(0.44)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_CHGHI replacing 884 values with median(2.14)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_LOGPLOW replacing 884 values with median(-2.15)
WARNING Imputing MaxPartialCharge replacing 102 values with median(0.28)
WARNING Imputing MinAbsPartialCharge replacing 101 values with median(0.27)
WARNING Imputing MinPartialCharge replacing 101 values with median(-0.41)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_MWHI replacing 884 values with median(16.55)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_MRHI replacing 884 values with median(5.93)
WARNING Imputing BCUT2D_CHGLO replacing 884 values with median(-2.09)

INFO Computing Mordred Descriptors...
WARNING Failed to parse value 'float division by zero (RotRatio/nBondsO)' in column 'RotRatio' at index 38.
WARNING Failed to parse value 'float division by zero (RotRatio/nBondsO)' in column 'RotRatio' at index 71.
WARNING Failed to parse vallue 'float division by zero (RotRatio/nBondsO)' in column 'RotRatio' at index 5579.

INFO Imputing missing values using 'median' strategy.
WARNING Imputing RotRatio replacing 149 values with median(0.17)