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Deploying Plugins with the Dashboard

Notes and information on how to include plugins with your Workbench Dashboard.

  • ECR: AWS Elastic Container Registry (stores Docker images)
  • ECS: AWS Elastic Container Service (uses Docker images)

Install Docker

Build the Docker Image

If you don't already have a Dockerfile, here's one to get you started, just place this into your repo/directory that has the plugins.

# Pull base workbench dashboard image with specific tag (pick latest or stable)

# Copy the plugin files into the Dashboard plugins dir
COPY ./workbench_plugins /app/workbench_plugins
ENV WORKBENCH_PLUGINS=/app/workbench_plugins

Note: Your plugins directory should looks like this


Build it

docker build -t my_workbench_with_plugins:v1_0 --platform linux/amd64 .

Test the Image Locally

You'll need to use AWS Credentials for this, it's a bit complicated, please contact Workbench Support or chat us up on Discord

Login to your ECR

Okay.. so after testing locally you're ready to push the Docker image (with Plugins) to the your ECR.

Note: This ECR should be private as your plugins are customized for specific business use cases.

Your ECR location will have this form


aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 --profile <aws_profile> \
| docker login --username AWS --password-stdin \

Tag/Push the Image to AWS ECR

docker tag my_workbench_with_plugins:v1_0 \
docker push \

Deploying Plugin Docker Image to AWS

Okay now that you have your plugin Docker Image you can deploy to your AWS account:

Copy the Dashboard CDK files

This is cheesy but just copy all the CDK files into your repo/directory.

cp -r workbench/aws_setup/workbench_dashboard_full /my/workbench/stuff/

Change the Docker Image to Deploy

Now open up the file and change this line to your Docker Image

# When you want a different docker image change this line
dashboard_image = ""

Make sure your WORKBENCH_CONFIG is properly set, and run the following commands:

export WORKBENCH_CONFIG=/Users/<user_name>/.workbench/workbench_config.json
cdk diff
cdk deploy

CDK Diff

In particular, pay attention to the cdk diff it should ONLY have the image name as a difference.

cdk diff
[-] "Image": "<account>",
[+] "Image": "<account>",

Note on Workbench Configuration

All Configuration is managed by the CDK Python Script and the WORKBENCH_CONFIG ENV var. If you want to change things like REDIS_HOST or WORKBENCH_BUCKET you should do that with a workbench.config file and then point the WORKBENCH_CONFIG ENV var to that file.