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Graph Algorithms

Graph Algorithms

WIP: These classes are currently actively being developed and are subject to change in both API and functionality over time.

Graph Algorithms

Docs TBD


Build a proximity graph of the nearest neighbors based on feature space.

Source code in src/sageworks/algorithms/graph/light/
class ProximityGraph:
    Build a proximity graph of the nearest neighbors based on feature space.

    def __init__(self, n_neighbors: int = 5):
        """Initialize the ProximityGraph with the specified parameters.

            n_neighbors (int): Number of neighbors to consider (default: 5)
        self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors
        self.nx_graph = nx.Graph()

    def build_graph(
        df: pd.DataFrame,
        features: list,
        id_column: str,
        target: str,
    ) -> nx.Graph:
        Processes the input DataFrame and builds a proximity graph.

            df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing feature columns.
            features (list): List of feature column names to be used for building the proximity graph.
            id_column (str): Name of the ID column in the DataFrame.
            target (str): Name of the target column in the DataFrame.
            store_features (bool): Whether to store the features as node attributes (default: True).

            nx.Graph: The proximity graph as a NetworkX graph.
        # Drop NaNs from the DataFrame using the provided utility
        df = drop_nans(df)

        # Initialize FeatureSpaceProximity with the input DataFrame and the specified features
        knn_spider = FeatureSpaceProximity(

        # Use FeatureSpaceProximity to get all neighbor indices and distances
        indices, distances = knn_spider.get_neighbor_indices_and_distances()

        # Compute max distance for scaling (to [0, 1])
        max_distance = distances.max()

        # Initialize an empty graph
        self.nx_graph = nx.Graph()

        # Use the ID column for node IDs instead of relying on the DataFrame index
        node_ids = df[id_column].values

        # Add nodes with their features as attributes using the ID column
        for node_id in node_ids:
            if store_features:
                    node_id, **df[df[id_column] == node_id].iloc[0].to_dict()
                )  # Use .iloc[0] for correct node attributes

        # Add edges with weights based on inverse distance
        for i, neighbors in enumerate(indices):
            one_edge_added = False
            for j, neighbor_idx in enumerate(neighbors):
                if i != neighbor_idx:
                    # Compute the weight of the edge (inverse of distance)
                    weight = 1.0 - (distances[i][j] / max_distance)  # Scale to [0, 1]

                    # Map back to the ID column instead of the DataFrame index
                    src_node = node_ids[i]
                    dst_node = node_ids[neighbor_idx]

                    # Add the edge to the graph (if the weight is greater than 0.1)
                    if weight > 0.1 or not one_edge_added:
                        self.nx_graph.add_edge(src_node, dst_node, weight=weight)
                        one_edge_added = True

        # Return the NetworkX graph
        return self.nx_graph

    def get_neighborhood(self, node_id: Union[str, int], radius: int = 1) -> nx.Graph:
        Get a subgraph containing nodes within a given number of hops around a specific node.

            node_id: The ID of the node to center the neighborhood around.
            radius: The number of hops to consider around the node (default: 1).

            nx.Graph: A subgraph containing the specified neighborhood.
        # Use NetworkX's ego_graph to extract the neighborhood within the given radius
        if node_id in self.nx_graph:
            return nx.ego_graph(self.nx_graph, node_id, radius=radius)
            raise ValueError(f"Node ID '{node_id}' not found in the graph.")


Initialize the ProximityGraph with the specified parameters.


Name Type Description Default
n_neighbors int

Number of neighbors to consider (default: 5)

Source code in src/sageworks/algorithms/graph/light/
def __init__(self, n_neighbors: int = 5):
    """Initialize the ProximityGraph with the specified parameters.

        n_neighbors (int): Number of neighbors to consider (default: 5)
    self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors
    self.nx_graph = nx.Graph()

build_graph(df, features, id_column, target, store_features=True)

Processes the input DataFrame and builds a proximity graph.


Name Type Description Default
df DataFrame

The input DataFrame containing feature columns.

features list

List of feature column names to be used for building the proximity graph.

id_column str

Name of the ID column in the DataFrame.

target str

Name of the target column in the DataFrame.

store_features bool

Whether to store the features as node attributes (default: True).



Type Description

nx.Graph: The proximity graph as a NetworkX graph.

Source code in src/sageworks/algorithms/graph/light/
def build_graph(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    features: list,
    id_column: str,
    target: str,
) -> nx.Graph:
    Processes the input DataFrame and builds a proximity graph.

        df (pd.DataFrame): The input DataFrame containing feature columns.
        features (list): List of feature column names to be used for building the proximity graph.
        id_column (str): Name of the ID column in the DataFrame.
        target (str): Name of the target column in the DataFrame.
        store_features (bool): Whether to store the features as node attributes (default: True).

        nx.Graph: The proximity graph as a NetworkX graph.
    # Drop NaNs from the DataFrame using the provided utility
    df = drop_nans(df)

    # Initialize FeatureSpaceProximity with the input DataFrame and the specified features
    knn_spider = FeatureSpaceProximity(

    # Use FeatureSpaceProximity to get all neighbor indices and distances
    indices, distances = knn_spider.get_neighbor_indices_and_distances()

    # Compute max distance for scaling (to [0, 1])
    max_distance = distances.max()

    # Initialize an empty graph
    self.nx_graph = nx.Graph()

    # Use the ID column for node IDs instead of relying on the DataFrame index
    node_ids = df[id_column].values

    # Add nodes with their features as attributes using the ID column
    for node_id in node_ids:
        if store_features:
                node_id, **df[df[id_column] == node_id].iloc[0].to_dict()
            )  # Use .iloc[0] for correct node attributes

    # Add edges with weights based on inverse distance
    for i, neighbors in enumerate(indices):
        one_edge_added = False
        for j, neighbor_idx in enumerate(neighbors):
            if i != neighbor_idx:
                # Compute the weight of the edge (inverse of distance)
                weight = 1.0 - (distances[i][j] / max_distance)  # Scale to [0, 1]

                # Map back to the ID column instead of the DataFrame index
                src_node = node_ids[i]
                dst_node = node_ids[neighbor_idx]

                # Add the edge to the graph (if the weight is greater than 0.1)
                if weight > 0.1 or not one_edge_added:
                    self.nx_graph.add_edge(src_node, dst_node, weight=weight)
                    one_edge_added = True

    # Return the NetworkX graph
    return self.nx_graph

get_neighborhood(node_id, radius=1)

Get a subgraph containing nodes within a given number of hops around a specific node.


Name Type Description Default
node_id Union[str, int]

The ID of the node to center the neighborhood around.

radius int

The number of hops to consider around the node (default: 1).



Type Description

nx.Graph: A subgraph containing the specified neighborhood.

Source code in src/sageworks/algorithms/graph/light/
def get_neighborhood(self, node_id: Union[str, int], radius: int = 1) -> nx.Graph:
    Get a subgraph containing nodes within a given number of hops around a specific node.

        node_id: The ID of the node to center the neighborhood around.
        radius: The number of hops to consider around the node (default: 1).

        nx.Graph: A subgraph containing the specified neighborhood.
    # Use NetworkX's ego_graph to extract the neighborhood within the given radius
    if node_id in self.nx_graph:
        return nx.ego_graph(self.nx_graph, node_id, radius=radius)
        raise ValueError(f"Node ID '{node_id}' not found in the graph.")


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