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ModelDataQuality View


The SageWorks View classes are currently in experimental mode so have fun but expect issues and API changes going forward.

MDQView Class: A View that computes various data_quality metrics


MDQView Class: A View that computes various model data quality metrics

Common Usage
# Grab a FeatureSet and a Model
fs = FeatureSet("abalone_features")
model = Model("abalone-regression")

# Create a ModelDataQuality View
mdq_view = MDQView(fs).create(model=model, id_column="id")
my_df = mdq_view.pull_dataframe(head=True)

# Query the view
df = mdq_view.query(f"SELECT * FROM {mdq_view.table} where residuals > 0.5")
Source code in src/sageworks/core/views/
class MDQView:
    """MDQView Class: A View that computes various model data quality metrics

    Common Usage:
        # Grab a FeatureSet and a Model
        fs = FeatureSet("abalone_features")
        model = Model("abalone-regression")

        # Create a ModelDataQuality View
        mdq_view = MDQView(fs).create(model=model, id_column="id")
        my_df = mdq_view.pull_dataframe(head=True)

        # Query the view
        df = mdq_view.query(f"SELECT * FROM {mdq_view.table} where residuals > 0.5")

    def __init__(self, artifact: Union[DataSource, FeatureSet], source_table: str = None):
        """Initialize the ColumnSubsetView

            artifact (Union[DataSource, FeatureSet]): The DataSource or FeatureSet object
            source_table (str, optional): The table/view to create the view from. Defaults to None
        self.log = artifact.log
        self.view_name = "mdq"
        self.data_source = artifact.data_source if isinstance(artifact, FeatureSet) else artifact
        self.source_table = source_table if source_table else self.data_source.uuid

    def create(self, model: Model, id_column: str) -> Union[View, None]:
        """Create a Model Data Quality View: A View that computes various model data quality metrics

            model (Model): The Model object to use for the target and features
            id_column (str): The name of the id column (must be defined for join logic)

            Union[View, None]: The created View object (or None if failed to create the view)
        self.log.important("Creating Model Data Quality View...")

        # Get the target and feature columns
        target =
        features = model.features()

        # Make sure the target and features are in the data_source
        df = self.data_source.query(f"SELECT * FROM {self.source_table}")

        # Super Hack
        # import numpy as np
        # df["udm_asy_res_value"] = df["udm_asy_res_value"].replace(0, 1e-10)
        # df["log_s"] = np.log10(df["udm_asy_res_value"] / 1e6)
        # target = "log_s"

        ds_columns = df.columns
        if target not in ds_columns:
            self.log.error(f"Target column {target} not found in {self.data_source.uuid}. Cannot create MDQ View.")
            return None
        for feature in features:
            if feature not in ds_columns:
                    f"Feature column {feature} not found in {self.data_source.uuid}. Cannot create MDQ View."
                return None

        # Check the type of the target column is categorical (not numeric)
        categorical_target = not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(df[target])

        # Now run the RowTagger to compute coincident and high target gradient tags
        row_tagger = RowTagger(
        mdq_df = row_tagger.tag_rows()

        # Just some renaming
        mdq_df.rename(columns={"tags": "data_quality_tags"}, inplace=True)

        # We're going to compute a data_quality score based on the tags.
        # Specific/Domain specific logic can be added here.
        # If 'coincident' is in the tags, then the data_quality score is 0.0
        # If 'htg' is in the tags, then the data_quality score is 0.5
        # Else there's no bad tags so the data_quality score is 1.0
        mdq_df["data_quality"] = mdq_df["data_quality_tags"].apply(
            lambda tags: 0.0 if "coincident" in tags else 0.5 if "htg" in tags else 1.0

        # Spin up the ResidualsCalculator
        residuals_calculator = ResidualsCalculator(n_splits=5, random_state=42)
        residuals_df = residuals_calculator.fit_transform(df[features], df[target])

        # Add the id_column to the residuals_df
        residuals_df[id_column] = df[id_column]

        # Get the list of columns to add from residuals_df, excluding any columns already in mdq_df
        new_columns = [id_column] + [
            col for col in residuals_df.columns if col != id_column and col not in mdq_df.columns

        # Merge the DataFrames, only including new columns from residuals_df
        mdq_df = mdq_df.merge(residuals_df[new_columns], on=id_column, how="left")

        # Call our internal PandasToView to create the Model Data Quality View
        return PandasToView.create(self.view_name, self.data_source, df=mdq_df, id_column=id_column)

__init__(artifact, source_table=None)

Initialize the ColumnSubsetView


Name Type Description Default
artifact Union[DataSource, FeatureSet]

The DataSource or FeatureSet object

source_table str

The table/view to create the view from. Defaults to None

Source code in src/sageworks/core/views/
def __init__(self, artifact: Union[DataSource, FeatureSet], source_table: str = None):
    """Initialize the ColumnSubsetView

        artifact (Union[DataSource, FeatureSet]): The DataSource or FeatureSet object
        source_table (str, optional): The table/view to create the view from. Defaults to None
    self.log = artifact.log
    self.view_name = "mdq"
    self.data_source = artifact.data_source if isinstance(artifact, FeatureSet) else artifact
    self.source_table = source_table if source_table else self.data_source.uuid

create(model, id_column)

Create a Model Data Quality View: A View that computes various model data quality metrics


Name Type Description Default
model Model

The Model object to use for the target and features

id_column str

The name of the id column (must be defined for join logic)



Type Description
Union[View, None]

Union[View, None]: The created View object (or None if failed to create the view)

Source code in src/sageworks/core/views/
def create(self, model: Model, id_column: str) -> Union[View, None]:
    """Create a Model Data Quality View: A View that computes various model data quality metrics

        model (Model): The Model object to use for the target and features
        id_column (str): The name of the id column (must be defined for join logic)

        Union[View, None]: The created View object (or None if failed to create the view)
    self.log.important("Creating Model Data Quality View...")

    # Get the target and feature columns
    target =
    features = model.features()

    # Make sure the target and features are in the data_source
    df = self.data_source.query(f"SELECT * FROM {self.source_table}")

    # Super Hack
    # import numpy as np
    # df["udm_asy_res_value"] = df["udm_asy_res_value"].replace(0, 1e-10)
    # df["log_s"] = np.log10(df["udm_asy_res_value"] / 1e6)
    # target = "log_s"

    ds_columns = df.columns
    if target not in ds_columns:
        self.log.error(f"Target column {target} not found in {self.data_source.uuid}. Cannot create MDQ View.")
        return None
    for feature in features:
        if feature not in ds_columns:
                f"Feature column {feature} not found in {self.data_source.uuid}. Cannot create MDQ View."
            return None

    # Check the type of the target column is categorical (not numeric)
    categorical_target = not pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(df[target])

    # Now run the RowTagger to compute coincident and high target gradient tags
    row_tagger = RowTagger(
    mdq_df = row_tagger.tag_rows()

    # Just some renaming
    mdq_df.rename(columns={"tags": "data_quality_tags"}, inplace=True)

    # We're going to compute a data_quality score based on the tags.
    # Specific/Domain specific logic can be added here.
    # If 'coincident' is in the tags, then the data_quality score is 0.0
    # If 'htg' is in the tags, then the data_quality score is 0.5
    # Else there's no bad tags so the data_quality score is 1.0
    mdq_df["data_quality"] = mdq_df["data_quality_tags"].apply(
        lambda tags: 0.0 if "coincident" in tags else 0.5 if "htg" in tags else 1.0

    # Spin up the ResidualsCalculator
    residuals_calculator = ResidualsCalculator(n_splits=5, random_state=42)
    residuals_df = residuals_calculator.fit_transform(df[features], df[target])

    # Add the id_column to the residuals_df
    residuals_df[id_column] = df[id_column]

    # Get the list of columns to add from residuals_df, excluding any columns already in mdq_df
    new_columns = [id_column] + [
        col for col in residuals_df.columns if col != id_column and col not in mdq_df.columns

    # Merge the DataFrames, only including new columns from residuals_df
    mdq_df = mdq_df.merge(residuals_df[new_columns], on=id_column, how="left")

    # Call our internal PandasToView to create the Model Data Quality View
    return PandasToView.create(self.view_name, self.data_source, df=mdq_df, id_column=id_column)


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