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Features To Model

API Classes

For most users the API Classes will provide all the general functionality to create a full AWS ML Pipeline

FeaturesToModel: Train/Create a Model from a Feature Set


Bases: Transform

FeaturesToModel: Train/Create a Model from a FeatureSet

Common Usage
to_model = FeaturesToModel(feature_uuid, model_uuid, model_type=ModelType)
to_model.set_output_tags(["abalone", "public", "whatever"])
Source code in src/sageworks/core/transforms/features_to_model/
class FeaturesToModel(Transform):
    """FeaturesToModel: Train/Create a Model from a FeatureSet

    Common Usage:
        to_model = FeaturesToModel(feature_uuid, model_uuid, model_type=ModelType)
        to_model.set_output_tags(["abalone", "public", "whatever"])

    def __init__(self, feature_uuid: str, model_uuid: str, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNKNOWN, model_class=None):
        """FeaturesToModel Initialization
            feature_uuid (str): UUID of the FeatureSet to use as input
            model_uuid (str): UUID of the Model to create as output
            model_type (ModelType): ModelType.REGRESSOR or ModelType.CLASSIFIER, etc.
            model_class (str): The class of the model (optional)

        # Make sure the model_uuid is a valid name
        Artifact.ensure_valid_name(model_uuid, delimiter="-")

        # Call superclass init
        super().__init__(feature_uuid, model_uuid)

        # If the model_type is UNKNOWN the model_class must be specified
        if model_type == ModelType.UNKNOWN:
            if model_class is None:
                msg = "ModelType is UNKNOWN, must specify a model_class!"
                raise ValueError(msg)
      "ModelType is UNKNOWN, using model_class to determine the type...")
                model_type = self._determine_model_type(model_class)

        # Set up all my instance attributes
        self.input_type = TransformInput.FEATURE_SET
        self.output_type = TransformOutput.MODEL
        self.model_type = model_type
        self.model_class = model_class
        self.estimator = None
        self.model_script_dir = None
        self.model_description = None
        self.model_training_root = self.models_s3_path + "/training"
        self.model_feature_list = None
        self.target_column = None
        self.class_labels = None

    def _determine_model_type(self, model_class: str) -> ModelType:
        """Determine the ModelType from the model_class
            model_class (str): The class of the model
            ModelType: The determined ModelType
        model_class_lower = model_class.lower()

        # Direct mapping for specific models
        specific_model_mapping = {
            "logisticregression": ModelType.CLASSIFIER,
            "linearregression": ModelType.REGRESSOR,
            "ridge": ModelType.REGRESSOR,
            "lasso": ModelType.REGRESSOR,
            "elasticnet": ModelType.REGRESSOR,
            "bayesianridge": ModelType.REGRESSOR,
            "svc": ModelType.CLASSIFIER,
            "svr": ModelType.REGRESSOR,
            "gaussiannb": ModelType.CLASSIFIER,
            "kmeans": ModelType.CLUSTERER,
            "dbscan": ModelType.CLUSTERER,
            "meanshift": ModelType.CLUSTERER,

        if model_class_lower in specific_model_mapping:
            return specific_model_mapping[model_class_lower]

        # General pattern matching
        if "regressor" in model_class_lower:
            return ModelType.REGRESSOR
        elif "classifier" in model_class_lower:
            return ModelType.CLASSIFIER
        elif "quantile" in model_class_lower:
            return ModelType.QUANTILE_REGRESSOR
        elif "cluster" in model_class_lower:
            return ModelType.CLUSTERER
        elif "transform" in model_class_lower:
            return ModelType.TRANSFORMER
            self.log.critical(f"Unknown ModelType for model_class: {model_class}")
            return ModelType.UNKNOWN

    def generate_model_script(self, target_column: str, feature_list: list[str], train_all_data: bool) -> str:
        """Fill in the model template with specific target and feature_list
            target_column (str): Column name of the target variable
            feature_list (list[str]): A list of columns for the features
            train_all_data (bool): Train on ALL (100%) of the data
           str: The name of the generated model script

        # FIXME: Revisit all of this since it's a bit wonky
        # Did they specify a Scikit-Learn model class?
        if self.model_class:
  "Using Scikit-Learn model class: {self.model_class}")
            script_name = ""
            dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
            self.model_script_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "light_scikit_learn")
            template_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, "scikit_learn.template")
            output_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, script_name)
            with open(template_path, "r") as fp:
                scikit_template =

            # Template replacements
            aws_script = scikit_template.replace("{{model_class}}", self.model_class)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{target_column}}", target_column)
            feature_list_str = json.dumps(feature_list)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{feature_list}}", feature_list_str)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_type}}", self.model_type.value)
            metrics_s3_path = f"{self.model_training_root}/{self.output_uuid}"
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_metrics_s3_path}}", metrics_s3_path)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{train_all_data}}", str(train_all_data))

        elif self.model_type == ModelType.REGRESSOR or self.model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
            script_name = ""
            dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
            self.model_script_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "light_xgb_model")
            template_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, "xgb_model.template")
            output_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, script_name)
            with open(template_path, "r") as fp:
                xgb_template =

            # Template replacements
            aws_script = xgb_template.replace("{{target_column}}", target_column)
            feature_list_str = json.dumps(feature_list)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{feature_list}}", feature_list_str)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_type}}", self.model_type.value)
            metrics_s3_path = f"{self.model_training_root}/{self.output_uuid}"
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_metrics_s3_path}}", metrics_s3_path)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{train_all_data}}", str(train_all_data))

        elif self.model_type == ModelType.QUANTILE_REGRESSOR:
            script_name = ""
            dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
            self.model_script_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "light_quant_regression")
            template_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, "quant_regression.template")
            output_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, script_name)
            with open(template_path, "r") as fp:
                quant_template =

            # Template replacements
            aws_script = quant_template.replace("{{target_column}}", target_column)
            feature_list_str = json.dumps(feature_list)
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{feature_list}}", feature_list_str)
            metrics_s3_path = f"{self.model_training_root}/{self.output_uuid}"
            aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_metrics_s3_path}}", metrics_s3_path)

        # Now write out the generated model script and return the name
        with open(output_path, "w") as fp:

        # Now we make sure the model script dir only has template, model script, and a requirements file
        for file in os.listdir(self.model_script_dir):
            if file not in [script_name, "requirements.txt"] and not file.endswith(".template"):
                self.log.warning(f"Finding {file} in model_script_dir...")
        return script_name

    def transform_impl(
        self, target_column: str, description: str = None, feature_list: list = None, train_all_data=False
        """Generic Features to Model: Note you should create a new class and inherit from
        this one to include specific logic for your Feature Set/Model
            target_column (str): Column name of the target variable
            description (str): Description of the model (optional)
            feature_list (list[str]): A list of columns for the features (default None, will try to guess)
            train_all_data (bool): Train on ALL (100%) of the data (default False)
        # Delete the existing model (if it exists)
        self.log.important("Trying to delete existing model...")
        delete_model = ModelCore(self.output_uuid, force_refresh=True)

        # Set our model description
        self.model_description = description if description is not None else f"Model created from {self.input_uuid}"

        # Get our Feature Set and create an S3 CSV Training dataset
        feature_set = FeatureSetCore(self.input_uuid)
        s3_training_path = feature_set.create_s3_training_data()"Created new training data {s3_training_path}...")

        # Report the target column
        self.target_column = target_column"Target column: {self.target_column}")

        # Did they specify a feature list?
        if feature_list:
            # AWS Feature Groups will also add these implicit columns, so remove them
            aws_cols = ["write_time", "api_invocation_time", "is_deleted", "event_time", "training"]
            feature_list = [c for c in feature_list if c not in aws_cols]

        # If they didn't specify a feature list, try to guess it
            # Try to figure out features with this logic
            # - Don't include id, event_time, __index_level_0__, or training columns
            # - Don't include AWS generated columns (e.g. write_time, api_invocation_time, is_deleted)
            # - Don't include the target columns
            # - Don't include any columns that are of type string or timestamp
            # - The rest of the columns are assumed to be features
            self.log.warning("Guessing at the feature list, HIGHLY SUGGESTED to specify an explicit feature list!")
            all_columns = feature_set.columns
            filter_list = [
            ] + [self.target_column]
            feature_list = [c for c in all_columns if c not in filter_list]

        # AWS Feature Store has 3 user column types (String, Integral, Fractional)
        # and two internal types (Timestamp and Boolean). A Feature List for
        # modeling can only contain Integral and Fractional types.
        remove_columns = []
        column_details = feature_set.column_details()
        for column_name in feature_list:
            if column_details[column_name] not in ["Integral", "Fractional"]:
                    f"Removing {column_name} from feature list, improper type {column_details[column_name]}"

        # Remove the columns that are not Integral or Fractional
        self.model_feature_list = [c for c in feature_list if c not in remove_columns]
        self.log.important(f"Feature List for Modeling: {self.model_feature_list}")

        # Generate our model script
        script_path = self.generate_model_script(self.target_column, self.model_feature_list, train_all_data)

        # Metric Definitions for Regression
        if self.model_type == ModelType.REGRESSOR or self.model_type == ModelType.QUANTILE_REGRESSOR:
            metric_definitions = [
                {"Name": "RMSE", "Regex": "RMSE: ([0-9.]+)"},
                {"Name": "MAE", "Regex": "MAE: ([0-9.]+)"},
                {"Name": "R2", "Regex": "R2: ([0-9.]+)"},
                {"Name": "NumRows", "Regex": "NumRows: ([0-9]+)"},

        # Metric Definitions for Classification
        elif self.model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
            # We need to get creative with the Classification Metrics

            # Grab all the target column class values (class labels)
            table = feature_set.data_source.table
            self.class_labels = feature_set.query(f"select DISTINCT {self.target_column} FROM {table}")[

            # Sanity check on the targets
            if len(self.class_labels) > 10:
                msg = f"Too many target classes ({len(self.class_labels)}) for classification, aborting!"
                raise ValueError(msg)

            # Dynamically create the metric definitions
            metrics = ["precision", "recall", "fscore"]
            metric_definitions = []
            for t in self.class_labels:
                for m in metrics:
                    metric_definitions.append({"Name": f"Metrics:{t}:{m}", "Regex": f"Metrics:{t}:{m} ([0-9.]+)"})

            # Add the confusion matrix metrics
            for row in self.class_labels:
                for col in self.class_labels:
                        {"Name": f"ConfusionMatrix:{row}:{col}", "Regex": f"ConfusionMatrix:{row}:{col} ([0-9.]+)"}

        # If the model type is UNKNOWN, our metric_definitions will be empty
            self.log.warning(f"ModelType is {self.model_type}, skipping metric_definitions...")
            metric_definitions = []

        # Create a Sagemaker Model with our script
        self.estimator = SKLearn(

        # Training Job Name based on the Model UUID and today's date
        training_date_time_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
        training_job_name = f"{self.output_uuid}-{training_date_time_utc}"

        # Train the estimator{"train": s3_training_path}, job_name=training_job_name)

        # Now delete the training data"Deleting training data {s3_training_path}...")
            [s3_training_path, s3_training_path.replace(".csv", ".csv.metadata")],

        # Create Model and officially Register
        self.log.important(f"Creating new model {self.output_uuid}...")

    def post_transform(self, **kwargs):
        """Post-Transform: Calling onboard() on the Model""""Post-Transform: Calling onboard() on the Model...")

        # Store the model feature_list and target_column in the sageworks_meta
        output_model = ModelCore(self.output_uuid, model_type=self.model_type, force_refresh=True)
        output_model.upsert_sageworks_meta({"sageworks_model_features": self.model_feature_list})
        output_model.upsert_sageworks_meta({"sageworks_model_target": self.target_column})

        # Store the class labels (if they exist)
        if self.class_labels:

        # Call the Model onboard method
        output_model.onboard_with_args(self.model_type, self.target_column, self.model_feature_list)

    def create_and_register_model(self):
        """Create and Register the Model"""

        # Get the metadata/tags to push into AWS
        aws_tags = self.get_aws_tags()

        # Create model group (if it doesn't already exist)

        # Register our model
        image = InferenceImage.get_image_uri(self.sm_session.boto_region_name, "sklearn", "1.2.1")
        self.log.important(f"Registering model {self.output_uuid} with image {image}...")
        model = self.estimator.create_model(role=self.sageworks_role_arn)

__init__(feature_uuid, model_uuid, model_type=ModelType.UNKNOWN, model_class=None)

FeaturesToModel Initialization Args: feature_uuid (str): UUID of the FeatureSet to use as input model_uuid (str): UUID of the Model to create as output model_type (ModelType): ModelType.REGRESSOR or ModelType.CLASSIFIER, etc. model_class (str): The class of the model (optional)

Source code in src/sageworks/core/transforms/features_to_model/
def __init__(self, feature_uuid: str, model_uuid: str, model_type: ModelType = ModelType.UNKNOWN, model_class=None):
    """FeaturesToModel Initialization
        feature_uuid (str): UUID of the FeatureSet to use as input
        model_uuid (str): UUID of the Model to create as output
        model_type (ModelType): ModelType.REGRESSOR or ModelType.CLASSIFIER, etc.
        model_class (str): The class of the model (optional)

    # Make sure the model_uuid is a valid name
    Artifact.ensure_valid_name(model_uuid, delimiter="-")

    # Call superclass init
    super().__init__(feature_uuid, model_uuid)

    # If the model_type is UNKNOWN the model_class must be specified
    if model_type == ModelType.UNKNOWN:
        if model_class is None:
            msg = "ModelType is UNKNOWN, must specify a model_class!"
            raise ValueError(msg)
  "ModelType is UNKNOWN, using model_class to determine the type...")
            model_type = self._determine_model_type(model_class)

    # Set up all my instance attributes
    self.input_type = TransformInput.FEATURE_SET
    self.output_type = TransformOutput.MODEL
    self.model_type = model_type
    self.model_class = model_class
    self.estimator = None
    self.model_script_dir = None
    self.model_description = None
    self.model_training_root = self.models_s3_path + "/training"
    self.model_feature_list = None
    self.target_column = None
    self.class_labels = None


Create and Register the Model

Source code in src/sageworks/core/transforms/features_to_model/
def create_and_register_model(self):
    """Create and Register the Model"""

    # Get the metadata/tags to push into AWS
    aws_tags = self.get_aws_tags()

    # Create model group (if it doesn't already exist)

    # Register our model
    image = InferenceImage.get_image_uri(self.sm_session.boto_region_name, "sklearn", "1.2.1")
    self.log.important(f"Registering model {self.output_uuid} with image {image}...")
    model = self.estimator.create_model(role=self.sageworks_role_arn)

generate_model_script(target_column, feature_list, train_all_data)

Fill in the model template with specific target and feature_list Args: target_column (str): Column name of the target variable feature_list (list[str]): A list of columns for the features train_all_data (bool): Train on ALL (100%) of the data Returns: str: The name of the generated model script

Source code in src/sageworks/core/transforms/features_to_model/
def generate_model_script(self, target_column: str, feature_list: list[str], train_all_data: bool) -> str:
    """Fill in the model template with specific target and feature_list
        target_column (str): Column name of the target variable
        feature_list (list[str]): A list of columns for the features
        train_all_data (bool): Train on ALL (100%) of the data
       str: The name of the generated model script

    # FIXME: Revisit all of this since it's a bit wonky
    # Did they specify a Scikit-Learn model class?
    if self.model_class:"Using Scikit-Learn model class: {self.model_class}")
        script_name = ""
        dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
        self.model_script_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "light_scikit_learn")
        template_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, "scikit_learn.template")
        output_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, script_name)
        with open(template_path, "r") as fp:
            scikit_template =

        # Template replacements
        aws_script = scikit_template.replace("{{model_class}}", self.model_class)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{target_column}}", target_column)
        feature_list_str = json.dumps(feature_list)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{feature_list}}", feature_list_str)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_type}}", self.model_type.value)
        metrics_s3_path = f"{self.model_training_root}/{self.output_uuid}"
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_metrics_s3_path}}", metrics_s3_path)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{train_all_data}}", str(train_all_data))

    elif self.model_type == ModelType.REGRESSOR or self.model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
        script_name = ""
        dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
        self.model_script_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "light_xgb_model")
        template_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, "xgb_model.template")
        output_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, script_name)
        with open(template_path, "r") as fp:
            xgb_template =

        # Template replacements
        aws_script = xgb_template.replace("{{target_column}}", target_column)
        feature_list_str = json.dumps(feature_list)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{feature_list}}", feature_list_str)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_type}}", self.model_type.value)
        metrics_s3_path = f"{self.model_training_root}/{self.output_uuid}"
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_metrics_s3_path}}", metrics_s3_path)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{train_all_data}}", str(train_all_data))

    elif self.model_type == ModelType.QUANTILE_REGRESSOR:
        script_name = ""
        dir_path = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
        self.model_script_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, "light_quant_regression")
        template_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, "quant_regression.template")
        output_path = os.path.join(self.model_script_dir, script_name)
        with open(template_path, "r") as fp:
            quant_template =

        # Template replacements
        aws_script = quant_template.replace("{{target_column}}", target_column)
        feature_list_str = json.dumps(feature_list)
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{feature_list}}", feature_list_str)
        metrics_s3_path = f"{self.model_training_root}/{self.output_uuid}"
        aws_script = aws_script.replace("{{model_metrics_s3_path}}", metrics_s3_path)

    # Now write out the generated model script and return the name
    with open(output_path, "w") as fp:

    # Now we make sure the model script dir only has template, model script, and a requirements file
    for file in os.listdir(self.model_script_dir):
        if file not in [script_name, "requirements.txt"] and not file.endswith(".template"):
            self.log.warning(f"Finding {file} in model_script_dir...")
    return script_name


Post-Transform: Calling onboard() on the Model

Source code in src/sageworks/core/transforms/features_to_model/
def post_transform(self, **kwargs):
    """Post-Transform: Calling onboard() on the Model""""Post-Transform: Calling onboard() on the Model...")

    # Store the model feature_list and target_column in the sageworks_meta
    output_model = ModelCore(self.output_uuid, model_type=self.model_type, force_refresh=True)
    output_model.upsert_sageworks_meta({"sageworks_model_features": self.model_feature_list})
    output_model.upsert_sageworks_meta({"sageworks_model_target": self.target_column})

    # Store the class labels (if they exist)
    if self.class_labels:

    # Call the Model onboard method
    output_model.onboard_with_args(self.model_type, self.target_column, self.model_feature_list)

transform_impl(target_column, description=None, feature_list=None, train_all_data=False)

Generic Features to Model: Note you should create a new class and inherit from this one to include specific logic for your Feature Set/Model Args: target_column (str): Column name of the target variable description (str): Description of the model (optional) feature_list (list[str]): A list of columns for the features (default None, will try to guess) train_all_data (bool): Train on ALL (100%) of the data (default False)

Source code in src/sageworks/core/transforms/features_to_model/
def transform_impl(
    self, target_column: str, description: str = None, feature_list: list = None, train_all_data=False
    """Generic Features to Model: Note you should create a new class and inherit from
    this one to include specific logic for your Feature Set/Model
        target_column (str): Column name of the target variable
        description (str): Description of the model (optional)
        feature_list (list[str]): A list of columns for the features (default None, will try to guess)
        train_all_data (bool): Train on ALL (100%) of the data (default False)
    # Delete the existing model (if it exists)
    self.log.important("Trying to delete existing model...")
    delete_model = ModelCore(self.output_uuid, force_refresh=True)

    # Set our model description
    self.model_description = description if description is not None else f"Model created from {self.input_uuid}"

    # Get our Feature Set and create an S3 CSV Training dataset
    feature_set = FeatureSetCore(self.input_uuid)
    s3_training_path = feature_set.create_s3_training_data()"Created new training data {s3_training_path}...")

    # Report the target column
    self.target_column = target_column"Target column: {self.target_column}")

    # Did they specify a feature list?
    if feature_list:
        # AWS Feature Groups will also add these implicit columns, so remove them
        aws_cols = ["write_time", "api_invocation_time", "is_deleted", "event_time", "training"]
        feature_list = [c for c in feature_list if c not in aws_cols]

    # If they didn't specify a feature list, try to guess it
        # Try to figure out features with this logic
        # - Don't include id, event_time, __index_level_0__, or training columns
        # - Don't include AWS generated columns (e.g. write_time, api_invocation_time, is_deleted)
        # - Don't include the target columns
        # - Don't include any columns that are of type string or timestamp
        # - The rest of the columns are assumed to be features
        self.log.warning("Guessing at the feature list, HIGHLY SUGGESTED to specify an explicit feature list!")
        all_columns = feature_set.columns
        filter_list = [
        ] + [self.target_column]
        feature_list = [c for c in all_columns if c not in filter_list]

    # AWS Feature Store has 3 user column types (String, Integral, Fractional)
    # and two internal types (Timestamp and Boolean). A Feature List for
    # modeling can only contain Integral and Fractional types.
    remove_columns = []
    column_details = feature_set.column_details()
    for column_name in feature_list:
        if column_details[column_name] not in ["Integral", "Fractional"]:
                f"Removing {column_name} from feature list, improper type {column_details[column_name]}"

    # Remove the columns that are not Integral or Fractional
    self.model_feature_list = [c for c in feature_list if c not in remove_columns]
    self.log.important(f"Feature List for Modeling: {self.model_feature_list}")

    # Generate our model script
    script_path = self.generate_model_script(self.target_column, self.model_feature_list, train_all_data)

    # Metric Definitions for Regression
    if self.model_type == ModelType.REGRESSOR or self.model_type == ModelType.QUANTILE_REGRESSOR:
        metric_definitions = [
            {"Name": "RMSE", "Regex": "RMSE: ([0-9.]+)"},
            {"Name": "MAE", "Regex": "MAE: ([0-9.]+)"},
            {"Name": "R2", "Regex": "R2: ([0-9.]+)"},
            {"Name": "NumRows", "Regex": "NumRows: ([0-9]+)"},

    # Metric Definitions for Classification
    elif self.model_type == ModelType.CLASSIFIER:
        # We need to get creative with the Classification Metrics

        # Grab all the target column class values (class labels)
        table = feature_set.data_source.table
        self.class_labels = feature_set.query(f"select DISTINCT {self.target_column} FROM {table}")[

        # Sanity check on the targets
        if len(self.class_labels) > 10:
            msg = f"Too many target classes ({len(self.class_labels)}) for classification, aborting!"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Dynamically create the metric definitions
        metrics = ["precision", "recall", "fscore"]
        metric_definitions = []
        for t in self.class_labels:
            for m in metrics:
                metric_definitions.append({"Name": f"Metrics:{t}:{m}", "Regex": f"Metrics:{t}:{m} ([0-9.]+)"})

        # Add the confusion matrix metrics
        for row in self.class_labels:
            for col in self.class_labels:
                    {"Name": f"ConfusionMatrix:{row}:{col}", "Regex": f"ConfusionMatrix:{row}:{col} ([0-9.]+)"}

    # If the model type is UNKNOWN, our metric_definitions will be empty
        self.log.warning(f"ModelType is {self.model_type}, skipping metric_definitions...")
        metric_definitions = []

    # Create a Sagemaker Model with our script
    self.estimator = SKLearn(

    # Training Job Name based on the Model UUID and today's date
    training_date_time_utc = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
    training_job_name = f"{self.output_uuid}-{training_date_time_utc}"

    # Train the estimator{"train": s3_training_path}, job_name=training_job_name)

    # Now delete the training data"Deleting training data {s3_training_path}...")
        [s3_training_path, s3_training_path.replace(".csv", ".csv.metadata")],

    # Create Model and officially Register
    self.log.important(f"Creating new model {self.output_uuid}...")