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Deploy the SageWorks Dashboard Stack


Deploying the Dashboard Stack is reasonably straight forward, it's the same approach as the Core Stack that you've already deployed.

Please review the Stack Details section to understand all the AWS components that are included and utilized in the SageWorks Dashboard Stack.

Deploying the Dashboard Stack

AWS Stuff

Activate your AWS Account that's used for SageWorks deployment. For this one time install you should use an Admin Account (or an account that had permissions to create/update AWS Stacks)

cd sageworks/aws_setup/sageworks_dashboard_full
export SAGEWORKS_CONFIG=/full/path/to/config.json
pip install -r requirements.txt
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy

Stack Details

AWS Questions?

There's quite a bit to unpack when deploying an AWS powered Web Service. We're happy to help walk you through the details and options. Contact us anytime for a free consultation.

  • ECS Fargate
  • Load Balancer
  • 2 Availability Zones
  • VPCs / Nat Gateways
  • ElasticCache Cluster (shared Redis Caching)

AWS Stack Benefits

  1. Scalability: Includes an Application Load Balancer and uses ECS with Fargate, and ElasticCache for more robust scaling options.
  2. Higher Security: Utilizes security groups for both the ECS tasks, load balancer, plus VPC private subnets for Redis and the utilization of NAT Gateways.

AWS Costs

Deploying the SageWorks Dashboard does incur some monthly AWS costs. If you're on a tight budget you can deploy the 'lite' version of the Dashboard Stack.

cd sageworks/aws_setup/sageworks_dashboard_lite
export SAGEWORKS_CONFIG=/full/path/to/config.json
pip install -r requirements.txt
cdk bootstrap
cdk deploy