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AWS Setup

Need AWS Help?

The SuperCowPowers team is happy to give any assistance needed when setting up AWS and SageWorks. So please contact us at or on chat us up on Discord

Get some information

  • Go to your AWS Identity Center in the AWS Console
  • On the right side there will be two important pieces of information
    • Start URL
    • Region

Write these values down, you'll need them as part of this AWS setup.

Install AWS CLI

AWS CLI Instructions

Running the SSO Configuration

Note: You only need to do this once! Also this will create a NEW profile, so name the profile something like aws_sso.

aws configure sso --profile <whatever> (e.g. aws_sso)
SSO session name (Recommended): sso-session
SSO start URL []: <the Start URL from info above>
SSO region []: <the Region from info above>
SSO registration scopes [sso:account:access]: <just hit return>

You will get a browser open/redirect at this point and get a list of available accounts.. something like below, just pick the correct account

There are 2 AWS accounts available to you.
> SCP_Sandbox, (XXXX40646YYY)
  SCP_Main, (XXX576391YYY)

Now pick the role that you're going to use

There are 2 roles available to you.
> DataScientist

CLI default client Region [None]: <same region as above>
CLI default output format [None]: json

Setting up some aliases for bash/zsh

Edit your favorite ~/.bashrc ~/.zshrc and add these nice aliases/helper

# AWS Aliases
alias aws_sso='export AWS_PROFILE=aws_sso'

# Default AWS Profile
export AWS_PROFILE=aws_sso

Testing your new AWS Profile

Make sure your profile is active/set

env | grep AWS
AWS_PROFILE=<aws_sso or whatever>
Now you can list the S3 buckets in the AWS Account

aws ls s3
If you get some message like this...

The SSO session associated with this profile has
expired or is otherwise invalid. To refresh this SSO
session run aws sso login with the corresponding

This is fine/good, a browser will open up and you can refresh your SSO Token.

After that you should get a listing of the S3 buckets without needed to refresh your token.

aws s3 ls
❯ aws s3 ls
2023-03-20 20:06:53 aws-athena-query-results-XXXYYY-us-west-2
2023-03-30 13:22:28 sagemaker-studio-XXXYYY-dbgyvq8ruka
2023-03-24 22:05:55 sagemaker-us-west-2-XXXYYY
2023-04-30 13:43:29 scp-sageworks-artifacts

Back to Initial Setup

If you're doing the initial setup of SageWorks you should now go back and finish that process: Getting Started

AWS Resources