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Endpoint Examples

Examples of using the Endpoint class are listed at the bottom of this page Examples.

Endpoint: Manages AWS Endpoint creation and deployment. Endpoints are automatically set up and provisioned for deployment into AWS. Endpoints can be viewed in the AWS Sagemaker interfaces or in the SageWorks Dashboard UI, which provides additional model details and performance metrics


Bases: EndpointCore

Endpoint: SageWorks Endpoint API Class

Common Usage
my_endpoint = Endpoint(name)
Source code in src/sageworks/api/
class Endpoint(EndpointCore):
    """Endpoint: SageWorks Endpoint API Class

    Common Usage:
        my_endpoint = Endpoint(name)

    def details(self, **kwargs) -> dict:
        """Endpoint Details

            dict: A dictionary of details about the Endpoint
        return super().details(**kwargs)

    def inference(self, eval_df: pd.DataFrame, capture_uuid: str = None, id_column: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Run inference on the Endpoint using the provided DataFrame

            eval_df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to run predictions on
            capture_uuid (str, optional): The UUID of the capture to use (default: None)
            id_column (str, optional): The name of the column to use as the ID (default: None)

            pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions
        return super().inference(eval_df, capture_uuid, id_column)

    def auto_inference(self, capture: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Run inference on the Endpoint using the FeatureSet evaluation data

            capture (bool): Capture the inference results

            pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions
        return super().auto_inference(capture)


Run inference on the Endpoint using the FeatureSet evaluation data


Name Type Description Default
capture bool

Capture the inference results



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions

Source code in src/sageworks/api/
def auto_inference(self, capture: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Run inference on the Endpoint using the FeatureSet evaluation data

        capture (bool): Capture the inference results

        pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions
    return super().auto_inference(capture)


Endpoint Details


Name Type Description
dict dict

A dictionary of details about the Endpoint

Source code in src/sageworks/api/
def details(self, **kwargs) -> dict:
    """Endpoint Details

        dict: A dictionary of details about the Endpoint
    return super().details(**kwargs)

inference(eval_df, capture_uuid=None, id_column=None)

Run inference on the Endpoint using the provided DataFrame


Name Type Description Default
eval_df DataFrame

The DataFrame to run predictions on

capture_uuid str

The UUID of the capture to use (default: None)

id_column str

The name of the column to use as the ID (default: None)



Type Description

pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions

Source code in src/sageworks/api/
def inference(self, eval_df: pd.DataFrame, capture_uuid: str = None, id_column: str = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Run inference on the Endpoint using the provided DataFrame

        eval_df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame to run predictions on
        capture_uuid (str, optional): The UUID of the capture to use (default: None)
        id_column (str, optional): The name of the column to use as the ID (default: None)

        pd.DataFrame: The DataFrame with predictions
    return super().inference(eval_df, capture_uuid, id_column)


Run Inference on an Endpoint
from sageworks.api.feature_set import FeatureSet
from sageworks.api.model import Model
from sageworks.api.endpoint import Endpoint

# Grab an existing Endpoint
endpoint = Endpoint("abalone-regression-end")

# SageWorks has full ML Pipeline provenance, so we can backtrack the inputs,
# get a DataFrame of data (not used for training) and run inference
model = Model(endpoint.get_input())
fs = FeatureSet(model.get_input())
athena_table = fs.view("training").table
df = fs.query(f"SELECT * FROM {athena_table} where training = 0")

# Run inference/predictions on the Endpoint
results_df = endpoint.inference(df)

# Run inference/predictions and capture the results
results_df = endpoint.inference(df, capture=True)

# Run inference/predictions using the FeatureSet evaluation data
results_df = endpoint.auto_inference(capture=True)


     class_number_of_rings  prediction
0                       13   11.477922
1                       12   12.316887
2                        8    7.612847
3                        8    9.663341
4                        9    9.075263
..                     ...         ...
839                      8    8.069856
840                     15   14.915502
841                     11   10.977605
842                     10   10.173433
843                      7    7.297976
Endpoint Details

The details() method

The detail() method on the Endpoint class provides a lot of useful information. All of the SageWorks classes have a details() method try it out!
from sageworks.api.endpoint import Endpoint
from pprint import pprint

# Get Endpoint and print out it's details
endpoint = Endpoint("abalone-regression-end")


 'input': 'abalone-regression',
 'instance': 'Serverless (2GB/5)',
 'model_metrics':   metric_name  value
            0        RMSE  2.190
            1         MAE  1.544
            2          R2  0.504,
 'model_name': 'abalone-regression',
 'model_type': 'regressor',
 'modified': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 29, 17, 48, 35, 115000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
     class_number_of_rings  prediction
0                        9    8.648378
1                       11    9.717787
2                       11   10.933070
3                       10    9.899738
4                        9   10.014504
..                     ...         ...
495                     10   10.261657
496                      9   10.788254
497                     13    7.779886
498                     12   14.718514
499                     13   10.637320
 'sageworks_tags': ['abalone', 'regression'],
 'status': 'InService',
 'uuid': 'abalone-regression-end',
 'variant': 'AllTraffic'}

Endpoint Metrics
from sageworks.api.endpoint import Endpoint

# Grab an existing Endpoint
endpoint = Endpoint("abalone-regression-end")

# SageWorks tracks both Model performance and Endpoint Metrics
model_metrics = endpoint.details()["model_metrics"]
endpoint_metrics = endpoint.endpoint_metrics()


  metric_name  value
0        RMSE  2.190
1         MAE  1.544
2          R2  0.504

    Invocations  ModelLatency  OverheadLatency  ModelSetupTime  Invocation5XXErrors
29          0.0          0.00             0.00            0.00                  0.0
30          1.0          1.11            23.73           23.34                  0.0
31          0.0          0.00             0.00            0.00                  0.0
48          0.0          0.00             0.00            0.00                  0.0
49          5.0          0.45             9.64           23.57                  0.0
50          2.0          0.57             0.08            0.00                  0.0
51          0.0          0.00             0.00            0.00                  0.0
60          4.0          0.33             5.80           22.65                  0.0
61          1.0          1.11            23.35           23.10                  0.0
62          0.0          0.00             0.00            0.00                  0.0

SageWorks UI

Running these few lines of code creates and deploys an AWS Endpoint. The Endpoint artifacts can be viewed in the Sagemaker Console/Notebook interfaces or in the SageWorks Dashboard UI. SageWorks will monitor the endpoint, plot invocations, latencies, and tracks error metrics.

SageWorks Dashboard: Endpoints

Not Finding a particular method?

The SageWorks API Classes use the 'Core' Classes Internally, so for an extensive listing of all the methods available please take a deep dive into: SageWorks Core Classes